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Now we're Running
Reloading oh yea


Checking her rare view mirror, the girl smirked as she crossed the finish line before her boyfriend.

"Idiot," Minjeong mumbled as a small smile plastered itself on her face. It wasn't her first time beating him in a race, but they were in China now, and things were very different.

"I went easy on you," Jaemin smiled as he reached her car.

"As if. I saw your face when I passed you, you looked pissed." she laughed at him.

"Whatever." the boy mumbled before reaching for Minjeong's waist and pulling her in for a kiss.

"How about we split the money? I mean, what are you going to do with fifteen thousand dollars." Jaemin suggested.

"You still love money more than me, fucking bitch." Minjeong hit his arm playfully.

After receiving the bundle of cash, she decided to roam through the crowd of people, in hopes she'd find a certain someone.

"Minjeong, long time no see." a man made her way toward her, but because of the crowd, she couldn't see his face.

"That's because you never come to Neo anymore, Lucas," Minjeong said as she hugged the boy.

"Well, things in the gang had me pretty busy these past few months. I'm glad you joined us, though. If you didn't, I don't know how I'd be able to make fun of you, you know?" Lucas laughed.

"You would always make fun of me," Minjeong was quick to reply, because she knew the boy well, "Oh, by the way, this is my boyfriend, Jaemin," Minjeong stated as she pulled the disoriented boy toward her long-time friend.

"Nice to meet you, Jaemin. I'm Wong Yukhei, but call me Lucas." Lucas introduced himself, offering a hand for Jaemin to shake.

"I'm Na Jaemin. You race too?" Jaemin questioned as he shook the older's hand.

"No, I'm here because of Yangyang. He's up next." Lucas explained.

"Is Kun still mentoring him?" Minjeong asked as the three made their way to the arena.

"No, Yangyang's been on his own for about a year now," Lucas answered while waving to a boy who was talking to someone.

"Hey, Lucas. Hi Minjeong, long time no see.", Yangyang greeted the said girl with a tight hug, "Oh, this is Yizhuo, by the way. She's new."

"Hi." the girl replied, rather wary of the new people who were standing in front of her.

"This is Na Jaemin, my boyfriend." Minjeong introduced him once she noticed how close he was standing to her.

But, Jaemin got good vibes from the boys and knew that they wouldn't try anything on his girl.

Yangyang won first place, much to Minjeong's dislike because she was betting on Ten, hence had to give her share of the money to Jaemin, who just smirked victoriously.

"You're not bad, Yangyang," Jaemin commented when Yangyang came to converse with the two.

"Thanks. You're not that bad yourself." Yangyang smiled, the two starting their own conversation and going god knows where.

"Jaemin's a nice guy," Lucas stated once the two were left alone.

"Yeah, he is." Minjeong sighed.

"Well, I guess those two decided to burn up the road a bit more. They're trying to surpass you if you ask me." Lucas laughed as the two made their way to his car.

"Let them be." Minjeong hummed before fishing her phone out of her pocket, "I have to take this call. See you around, Lucas." she waved at the boy.

"Don't get caught up with Yanan again. He wants your head." Lucas told her before walking off.

"Hi, Taeyong. I'm all ears now." Minjeong said into the speaker of her new phone.

"Pack your bags, Jeong. You and Jaemin have been scouted by Kai. He wants you in L.A. tomorrow." the man stated.

"Kai? As in Kim Jongin?" Minjeong asked excitedly.

"Yes. As in the best underground racer of all time. He wants you to race under him." Taeyong expressed enthusiastically even though his voice held a glint of sadness.

"What? But we're racing under you. What did you tell him?" Minjeong questioned.

"You both deserve the best. And I'm not going to stop you," Taeyong stated as tears started to form in Minjeong's eyes.

"The sky's the limit, Minjeong. Reach it."


Fill me up refresh me again




the end


we made it to the end guys

have a nice day, and I hope to see you again somewhere

‎love you all, isa

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