chapter thirteen

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Minjeong knew that the boy would be exhausted even after he woke up, so she didn't pester him too much. She offered him to stay at her place, and to her surprise, Jaemin agreed.

The only problem was that Minjeong was used to being alone in her apartment and knew it would take at least a day to get used to living with someone again. It took longer than that, because he came to her for help two nights ago, and she still wasn't used to the extra presence in her apartment.

That's why, without Jaemin knowing, she decided not to go to her afternoon lectures the next day.

She knew how hard it was to be ill and not be able to do anything on her own, and since it surely wouldn't be any easier for the boy, she didn't even think twice before calling her teacher and telling him that she wouldn't attend the lecture. When the man asked her why she couldn't attend, she just told him that one of her friends got injured and that she was the only available person to take care of him, so the man had nothing more to say than thank her for calling him in advance.

But she didn't just skip for Jaemin's sake. She thought of this as the best way to interact with someone she wasn't familiar with or close to.

"Hey, Jaemin, wake up." Minjeong lightly shook the boy awake, not wanting to scare him to death while doing so.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have lectures?" Jaemin asked as he reached to rub the sleepiness of his eyes, but immediately hissed and retrieved his arm.

"I told my professor that I wouldn't be attending his lecture today because I'll be taking care of you, and he had no problem with that," Minjeong explained as she gave him a new set of freshly cleaned clothes, "I was thinking of calling Renjun, he's bound to find out anyway."

"Why would you need to call him? Are you two dating or something?" Jaemin raised a brow.

"No, we're not. Why?" Minjeong questioned as she came closer to the boy, "Are you jealous that I'm on better terms with him than I am with you?"

"As if," Jaemin mumbled as he turned his head to the side, feeling the tiniest heat rising up his cheeks.

"Chill, I was just joking. What do you want to eat?" Minjeong chuckled at his flustered state.

"I don't care." Jaemin shrugged.

"Okay then. Go freshen up and I'll make lunch." Minjeong instructed the boy.

"Lunch? Isn't it breakfast time?" Jaemin asked, confusion written all over his features.

"It's two in the afternoon, idiot," Minjeong chuckled at the boy's antics, "Now go and freshen up. I will have to change your bandages. I could call her to do it, but she had that assignment due tomorrow. Ah, fuck it." the girl's voice was almost inaudible to the boy since she was already in the kitchen by the time she was halfway through her monologue.

It didn't take Jaemin long to take a shower and do his morning routine, but Minjeong was a great cook. A fast one at that.

The two ate in silence, neither wanting to break the ice and start a conversation.

"Do you have any lectures today?" Minjeong asked suddenly.

"No. Why would you care?" Jaemin didn't even bother looking up from his phone.

"So that I could call your professors and excuse you or something, there's no need to be all bitchy about it." Minjeong fired back before putting her dirty dishes in the sink.

"What'd I do now?" Jaemin questioned, "Nothing," was all the girl replied as she disappeared into her bedroom.

She was putting her shoes on just as Jaemin exited the now-shared bathroom, much to Minjeong's dislike.

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