chapter eight

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"So, what should we do today?" Yena asked her two gangmates.

"Minjeong said she would do some errands but that she'd be free afternoon. We should have a sleepover." Chaewon suggested.

"Like a girls' night?" Yena questioned, "Sure. I have something to take care of but it won't take long." Aeri stated.

"Okay. We should ask Minjeong if she can hang out tho. The girl has a busier schedule than Taeyong." Chaewon said.

"She should take a break." Yena sighed.

The three knew Minjeong for quite a while, and they knew her quite well, which resulted in them worrying because she often overbooked herself.

In whole honesty, Minjeong didn't look like the type of person who would have a hard time saying no to requests, but she was a people pleaser.

Chaewon decided to ring the younger and see if she had planned anything for that night. After Minjeong replied with a simple no, Chaewon told her the plan she, Yena, and Aeri came up with, and Minjeong was quick to offer her place for the hangout. Even though Chaewon protested against the idea of the three invading her personal space, Minjeong insisted.

So, later that afternoon the three AESPA members came to Minjeong's apartment. They didn't know what to expect but were surely enough surprised by how tidy the apartment was.

"My room's a bit messy, so I'll clean it up. Make yourselves at home. I made some brownies, they're in the kitchen." Minjeong stated before going to her room to clean it up.

"I never thought Minjeong would be a clean freak," Chaewon mumbled loud enough for the other two to hear her, "It suits her, though. I don't know, she just has that type of vibe to her." Aeri shrugged, Yena agreeing with the younger.

They decided to hang out in the living room while they waited for Minjeong to finish.

"So what do you girls want to do?" Minjeong popped out of nowhere, giving the other three a jump scare.

"We were thinking of going to the mall and buying matching pajamas and skincare products. What do you think?" Aeri asked.

"Let me go grab my wallet," Minjeong said making the other three laugh. They knew how much the youngest hated shopping, but she would do anything to make them happy.

"You have a car, right?" Minjeong asked locking the front door.

"Yeah," Yena replied.

And so, the four dragons were out of Minjeong's apartment building, ready to have some fun.

"I want that one." Chaewon pouted.

"Okay, fine." Aeri gave in, handing her matching pajama to the younger, whose eyes lit up in excitement.

Minjeong could only chuckle at the sight. She had already picked out the pajama she wanted, so she was just waiting for her gangmates to finish so she could pay for them.

"I'm paying," Minjeong said once all the products were scanned.

"What? No, you aren't." Yena protested, but Minjeong already scanned her card.

"Thank you, Mini." Chaewon hugged the girl from behind while Yena and Aeri thanked Minjeong. Yena wouldn't let her pay for lunch, though.

Chaewon paid for all the skincare products they bought, and Aeri paid for gas and snacks on the way back.

"So, what do you want to do after this?" Minjeong asked once she was done applying her face mask.

"We could watch a movie or something," Chaewon replied.

"Do you have a play station?" Aeri asked, "Yeah, of course, I have one," Minjeong smirked, already knowing why Aeri asked.

"Let's play video games then." Aeri smiled.

"Okay," Yena sighed. She was not the worst in video games, but out of the four of them, she was definitely rock bottom.

They ended up playing Call of Duty, which resulted in the losing team which consisted of Chaewon and Yena, losing their shit and starting a pillow fight with the other two.

They forgot about the face mask and just decided to hit each other with every pillow they put their hands on.

In the end, Yena got the upper hand and won the pillow fight, so she had to pay for the pizzas, which was not a part of the original plan.

Minjeong was having the time of her life, but the girls had to leave because Taeyong called and said Minjeong was to go on a mission with some of the dreamies the day after. Once they left, Minjeong cleaned the apartment and decide to call it a night by watching some kdramas that helped her fall asleep in no time.


this is a filler chapter and does not affect the story whatsoever

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