chapter four

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Never in her seventeen years of life did Minjeong think she'd be used to packing drugs. Then again, her brother moved to Neo City, so he told her all about it when she was sixteen.

When her parents decided to move to the US since their business started blooming in North America, they left Minjeong in South Korea. She had her grandparents take care of her, of course, but as soon as she turned eighteen, the young girl decided to move to Neo City after hearing about all the fun her brother was having.

And she never regretted that decision. Minjeong made great friends, even if it was a handful, she enrolled in one of the best colleges in the world and got into street racing, which had been her dream ever since she saw it on a screen at the age of six.

Minjeong wasn't the girl to follow many rules, but the ones she did, she followed them with her soul. The girl hated restrictions with a burning passion, but some had to be followed.

Make sure the mission is planned perfectly. One of the rules she always followed.

So, like every other normal person who was in these types of businesses, she first started with the information Taeyong sent her in the morning. She had a lot to start with since Taeyong knew almost everything about the gang in question.

But, Minjeong never settled on one resource. The only logical thing for her was to get at least two resources before digging into it more herself.

She rang the first person that came to her mind.

"Hello, Hyunjin. Do you have a moment?" Minjeong asked as soon as the male picked up.

"Sure. Let me just get out of here. I'll call you in a few." Hyunjin said before hanging up.

Minjeong waited for the guy to call; thankfully, she didn't have to wait long.

"Hey, Jeong. Sorry about earlier, I had to clean something up. You know how Chan is." Hyunjin laughed, making the girl chuckle along.

"I know, no worries. I have a favor to ask of you if you don't mind." Minjeong said after his laughter died down.

"Anything for my favorite ex. What do you need, Jeong?" Hyunjin asked.

"Do you have any information on GOT7?" Minjeong questioned.

"You're not planning a mission with them in the equation, are you? Minjeong, they're dangerous. You've got nothing against them, they're on a whole other level." Hyunjin replied worriedly.

"Could you please send me all the information you have on them?" Minjeong was a stubborn human being. She wouldn't listen to anyone, not even her ex who remained her remained one of her closest friends even after they broke up.

"I'm not giving you any information on them. For all I know, you're gonna get yourself hurt, and I can't let that happen." Hyunjin tried his best not to give in.

"I'll ask Felix then," Minjeong replied casually as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Look, I'll give you everything if you let me plan it out with you." Hyunjin gave in. He just loved the girl too much to tell her no.

"Sure. Want to come over? We aren't doing this over phone calls." Minjeong stated.

"I can be there in fifteen," Hyunjin replied.

"Okay. See you. Buy me some ramen while you're at it." Minjeong giggled before hanging up.

Hwang Hyunjin, her ex. The only reason they broke up was that his gang decided to bring in the rule of 'no dating outside of the gang'.

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