chapter eighteen

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Minjeong, in fact, knew that her lecture was canceled due to the professor falling sick a few days prior, but she couldn't be in the same room as Jaemin.

She was making her way back after a few hours of working on her assignments at a local Starbucks coffee shop. Minjeong wasn't sure if Jaemin left her apartment, but she was hoping he did because it would be awkward if he was still there.

And he wasn't in the apartment. Just as the girl came out of her car, she saw his pull up in the parking spot next to hers, making her tilt her head slightly due to the confusion washing over her.

"Did you forget something?" Minjeong asked as Jaemin made her way toward her.

"No. I just wanted to spend the afternoon with my best friend." Jaemin smiled at her.

"Oh, quit the act. We both know we're not best friends." Minjeong replied shaking her head.

But I can't help but want more. they both thought.

"I brought food." the boy raised a plastic bag with a few containers of food.

"Then, dear sir, you are most welcome to my humble home." Minjeong smiled and began running to the entrance of the apartment building, Jaemin laughing at her antics but following nonetheless.

They came into her apartment a few minutes later, Minjeong unlocking the front door for them.

"I need to take a shower, so do whatever you want in the meantime. I'll be quick." Minjeong said before locking the bathroom door.

Jaemin decided to just sit on the couch as he waited for the girl to get freshened up.

She did finish quickly, a towel on top of her head as she exited the bathroom.

The two decided to eat right after, both craving regular food since last night. Minjeong was immersed in her phone, new information on a mission Aespa was assigned to coming up in their group chat.

"Oh, I've been wanting to tell you that I like you," Jaemin stated, thinking it was the perfect time to bring the topic up.

"I like you too, Jae" Minjeong replied, clearly not hearing what the boy said, clearly not thinking of her answer.

She looked up from her phone as soon as she processed what he said "What did you say?" Minjeong asked wide-eyed.

"I said I like you," Jaemin smirked.

"And what did I reply with?" she asked again, unsure if this whole situation was even real.

"You said I like you too, Jae." the boy's smirk grew even wider.

"So do you like, like me?" Minjeong questioned, unsure if it was another mind game the boy was trying to pull on her.

"As much as I know you think it's a mind game, trust me, I'd never play with someone's feelings. Especially not yours," he replied rather seriously.

"Oh." the girl let out as she got up to place her dirty dishes in the dishwasher, "Well, in that case, you wouldn't mind if I-" she didn't get to finish because the boy who was sitting moments before was the surface her head collided with as she turned around.

"Not at all," Jaemin replied before crashing his lips on hers.

Minjeong's breath hitched. She liked him, and she knew it.

But he was bold.

The two broke the kiss when they didn't have enough oxygen in their lungs anymore, laughing as their foreheads touched.

"What are we even doing with our lives?" Jaemin asked aloud.

"You should tell me that. I'm usually the one asking questions." Minjeong chuckled.

They decide to watch a movie after washing and drying the dishes.

"So, can I be your boyfriend now?" Jaemin asked in the middle of the movie.

"I thought that went without question." Minjeong giggled which made the boy pull her closer and kiss her cheek.

"Look at you all caring about me and shit," Minjeong repeated his words making him groan.

"God, you make me so happy, but I really like it when you're quiet." he sighed.

"I can be quiet if you want." the girl said before kissing him again, taking him by surprise.

Their foreheads touching after they broke the kiss, Minjeong blew a few strands of the boy's blue hair so she could see his dark brown eyes.

"Well that's one way to keep you quiet." he laughed keeping eye contact.

"Aish, you act as if you don't like it." the girl huffed as she tried to get away from his grip but her struggles were to no avail.

"As if," Jaemin replied as he placed his chin on top of her head, the girl making herself comfortable in his warm embrace.

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