chapter seventeen

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The place was crowded with university students, some Jaemin and Minjeong knew, but most were unfamiliar faces. The two had decided to go to a college party when they both got the invitation, and Donghyuck told them the host always held amazing parties. They became pretty close over the winter break, as they had a few more deals together, and even managed to exchange contacts, but in secret because they both knew the teasing that would occur if their gangmates found out.

"Hey, I'll leave you for a while because Yena said she's here, and I'm meeting up with Jimin, so don't drink too much, okay?" Minjeong yelled to the slightly taller boy over the loud music that was playing.

"Sure, I'm gonna find Donghyuck. Just call me when you're going home!" Jaemin yelled back before disappearing into the sea of already drunk students.

Minjeong found her two friends together, and since she didn't know the two knew each other, the girl was taken by surprise. The three ended up sticking together for the rest of the night, none of them feeling safe alone.

"I'm going to head home," Minjeong stated as the three friends entered the bathroom.

"Why? It's only one in the morning." Yena whined.

"I'm tired from all the activities today and I have lectures early in the morning tomorrow." Minjeong reasoned, Jimin nodding her head in understanding.

"Are you going home alone?" Yena asked, worried for her teammate's safety.

"I'll call Jaemin before going home, but I came with my bike, so I have a ride home. Don't worry." the girl smiled at her older friend.

"Okay then, stay safe," Jimin replied as they exited the bathroom.

"You too!" Minjeong yelled after them, but the doors were already closed.

She called Jaemin, but the boy didn't answer two of her calls, so she decided to look for him. She knew that if she just disappeared from the party without telling Jaemin, she'd have an hour-long lecture the next time they meet.

"Where is he?" Minjeong asked herself.

Just as she was about to give up, she saw the boy she was looking for exiting the bathroom, making her jog up to him so that he wouldn't escape.

"I've been looking everywhere for you for the last hour. Why didn't you answer my calls?" Minjeong asked the boy once she was in front of him.

"Sorry, I put my phone on silent mode." the boy smiled at her.

She could tell that he was drunk, not fully, but to the point where he definitely couldn't drive.

"Do you have a ride home?" Minjeong asked as the two resumed their walking, "Nope." the simple reply made Minjeong frown.

"Well, I know it's early but I have lectures tomorrow morning and I'm going now. Wanna crash at my place?" she asked taking her bike keys out of her back pocket.

"Sure," Jaemin replied swinging one arm around her shoulders. The action took her by surprise, and thankfully she turned her head in time for Jaemin to not see the pinkish tone rising to her cheeks.

Once they were on her bike, Minjeong being the one riding after a few minutes of arguing and her assuring Jaemin that she didn't drink at all, the two were zooming past the mansion the party was being held at.

"Do you think we can stop somewhere?" Jaemin asked her at a red light.

"Depends. Is it far from here?" Minjeong asked.

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