chapter ten

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Chenle was unfortunately too sleepy to keep Minjeong company, so he went to sleep right after he told her about himself. Minjeong didn't mind though, knowing that he liked sleeping.

Not being comfortable on the couch by herself anymore, she decided to go to the kitchen and make herself some coffee so she could finish her and Renjun's assignment that night.

She knew it wouldn't take long because Renjun already gave her his part, and she had to make it presentable for the next lesson. She was too immersed in her laptop screen to hear the coffee pot ring as a sign that the coffee inside was ready.

Unfortunately, because she didn't hear the pot, she fell asleep.

Not hearing when a person entered the apartment, she got startled upon hearing footsteps that were nearing her.

Jaemin, however, found it hilarious when she jolted up from her sleep.

"Ah, fuck." Minjeong cursed under her breath while rubbing her eyes.

"Why are you awake at this hour?" Jaemin asked, both of them knew perfectly well that he was making fun of her.

"Why were you out at this hour?" she fired back.

"Oh come on, we both know I can take care of myself. You, however, should go to sleep because it is quite obvious that you haven't slept in a while." Jaemin smirked at her.

"I'd go to sleep, but physics is kicking my ass right now," Minjeong mumbled under her breath.

"Pardon?" Jaemin asked, thinking that what she said was concerning him.

"I said that I'd be asleep right now if physics wasn't so fucking hard," Minjeong replied.

"Medicine is much worse for your information." Jaemin shrugged, "And how would you know that?" Minjeong questioned, a brow raised at his sudden confession.

"Well then, if physics is 'oh so easy' as you deem it to be, why don't you come and finish this example for me?" she asked motioning him to move closer to her laptop so he could see what she was talking about.

It didn't take the boy long to bug his eyes out at the example. Minjeong knew he couldn't solve it, because even Renjun was having some trouble with it, and this was his favorite part of the whole semester.

"What the fuck is this?" Jaemin sighed aloud, to which Minjeong snickered, finding the whole situation a bit too amusing for that time of the night.

"You know, your face was priceless just now. Too bad I didn't take a picture of it for blackmail later." Minjeong smirked before fixating her eyes back on the screen, "Now fuck off and go to sleep. You've been out til late."

"Look at you all caring about me and shit," Jaemin smirked at her, "If you don't leave I will kill you with a butter knife." Minjeong glared at the boy.

"You don't know where it's located, idiot." Jaemin smiled a little, though it was obvious it was teasing rather than an actual smile.

"I cooked for your friends because you didn't want to, idiot." Minjeong sighed.

"Why would you cook for them?" Jaemin asked.

"Because I heard your conversation with Chenle, so I figured I'd just ask everyone if they wanted something," Minjeong explained, not being too invested in the conversation, but concentrating on it nonetheless.

"So you were eavesdropping." Jaemin faked a surprised expression, clearly annoyed with the whole situation. It was usually him making food, some of the dreamies helping him at times. But it was always him making food for his friends.  And he wanted it to stay that way.

"I wasn't eavesdropping. I simply overheard Chenle whining about wanting to eat. So I asked him what he wanted to eat and made it for him as any moderately nice person would do." Minjeong stated.

"Still, why the fuck would you listen to our conversation?" Jaemin scoffed.

"As if I have nothing better to do than listen to your annoying ass talk. Grow up, Jaemin. People don't care for you if you don't give them a reason to." she dismissed him with her hand.

Jaemin, being taken aback, said nothing and just left before things escalated to something much worse, leaving Minjeong alone again.

I fucking know that.

He knew that people didn't care if they didn't have any use for it.

He knew that way too well.

Because that was the only thing childhood had taught him.

Make yourself useful, and maybe, hopefully, somebody will care.

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