chapter seven

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Minjeong really liked the fact that she was now able to go on missions with AESPA without breaking any of the gang's rules. So, when four days after she was made an official member of the Dragons and got assigned a mission with AESPA, the girl was overfilled with joy, something that didn't happen daily.

"You should come to AESPA's apartment so we can plan it out. The mission's set for tomorrow midnight." Yena explained over the phone.

"Sure. I have college for two more hours and then I can come to yours." Minjeong agreed.

"Okay. See you there Mini." Yena ended the call.

They liked the nickname Mini better than her full name, so they started calling her by the alias Mini long before she joined the gang.

"Who were you talking to?" Jimin peeked over the slightly shorter girl's shoulder, attempting to see the caller's ID, "My gangmate asked me if I could hang out after college." Minjeong simply replied.

"Just be careful, I don't want to rebandage you every week." Jimin sighed.

"Sure thing. I can just bother Jaemin with it." Minjeong grinned at her best friend.

"But he hates you," Jimin stated, "How'd you know? I said he doesn't particularly like me, and that he's a pain in the ass, but I never mentioned hate." Minjeong wondered aloud.

"I overheard him talking with Renjun before class. He whined about how you lashed out at him before college. He also said you were the most annoying person he's ever met and that he hated you with his entire being." Jimin briefly explained the conversation she overheard.

"That's good. If he hates me, I'll make sure to give him something to hate me more." Minjeong grinned.

"Like what?" Jimin asked suspiciously, "Like getting to No. 1 faster than he did. Or beating him in an important race." the younger shrugged her shoulder, only mentioning the first few things that came to mind.

"Just don't go overboard, okay?" Jimin warned, "No promises, you know that." Minjeong patted the other's shoulder before heading to her lecture.

To say that the lecture was extremely boring was understanding, but Minjeong knew better than to let her mind wander around instead of focusing on the professor. Still, she was extremely happy when she got to leave the lecture hall and head to AESPA's apartment.

"Hi girls." Minjeong greeted AESPA as she entered their apartment, "Hi Mini. How were the lectures?" Yena came to greet her.

"They were fine, nothing special." she shrugged.

The two made their way toward the kitchen where the other two members had already begun planning for tomorrow's mission.

"We started with the basics, but there will be a problem with exits," Chaewon stated, "What's the mission anyways?" Minjeong asked as she opened up a file.

"Nothing much. We just need to either kill or imprison Jennie Kim. The police say she's been getting quite dangerous lately." Yena replied.

"You know, it's fascinating how you even made a deal with the police when Dragons are one of the most notorious gangs in both Neo and Beijing." Minjeong chuckled.

"What is there to say? Taeyong can be quite persuasive." Aeri laughed.

They began planning together until Jeno came to pick Aeri up for a date, which left Yena, Chaewon, and Minjeong alone.

"So Yena," Chaewon began, nudging Minjeong a bit as if the girl knew what she was talking about, "Do you like Mark?" she finished, the other two looking at her in surprise.

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