chapter nine

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"Are you ready?" Mark asked once everyone assigned to the mission was in the car.

"I'm born ready what do you mean?" Haechan stated confidently, making Minjeong chuckle in the backseat.

"I wasn't asking you, idiot. Minjeong, are you ready?" Mark asked, looking back at the girl, "Yeah," Minjeong replied.

Safe to say, the three Dragons were a perfectly balanced-out trio, and that showed on their first mission. Minjeong enjoyed working with the two, and she felt like it wasn't even her first mission with them. They were perfect, canceling out each other's flaws, and filling in each other's blind spots. If you were to watch from the sidelines you'd think they are connected telepathically.

"We're back," Haechan yelled at the top of his lungs once they entered the dreamies' apartment.

"Why are you yelling?" Jisung winced from the computer room, something Minjeong discovered was a normal occurrence because the boy was obsessed with both computers and hacking.

"I thought you were all asleep," Minjeong said as she made her way to the boy, peeking from behind his back to take a look at the code the youngest was making.

Truth be told, the girl wasn't a talent when it came to coding, but she had practiced quite a lot because of her solo missions. She was good at spotting mistakes or lines the code lacked.

"Yeah, I would be, but this code is pestering me and I don't know what's wrong with it." Jisung sighed.

"Have you tried running it?" Minjeong questioned.

"I did, but every time I try it declines and says that the code isn't finished so it can't be run," Jisung explained, showing her the problem.

"But it looks finished to me," Minjeong mumbled, trying to understand why the program didn't want to work.

"You should go to sleep, Jisung. Leave the code open and I'll look through it as soon as I change." Minjeong patted the boy's hair.

"You'd do that?" Jisung asked.

"Of course. You have school tomorrow." Minjeong smiled.

"Thank you Minjeong," Jisung exclaimed and hugged the girl, making her laugh.

She knew that the boy didn't like physical touch and was anxious around new people, but he was quite friendly with her, and she appreciated that.

"Oh, by the way, I know it's past midnight, but I'm going to make some food. Do you want anything?" Minjeong asked before Jisung entered his room.

"No thanks." he smiled looking back at her before closing the door behind himself.

She decided to take a shower in AESPA's apartment since she now had the key. She took some of the clothes she left there the first time she came, and was glad she did because if not she'd have to ask one of the boys to lend her their clothes, which would be awkward.

She came back to the dreamies' apartment not even twenty minutes after leaving, only to see Mark and Haechan on the couch, sound asleep. Taking a picture of the two for possible blackmail, if it ever came to that, Minjeong made her way to the kitchen but stopped and eavesdropped on the conversation of two familiar voices.

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