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Eddie wasn't sure how long he'd been out for, but he woke up in the family video store with Steve, Robin, and dustin.

Steve worriedly kneeled in front of Eddie, questioning himself on how he got drugged and in a fight in the same night. Luckily the drowsiness was most likely because of the drugs and not a concussion. But his face was still pretty fucked up.

“How's your head?” Steve asked the barely conscious Eddie, holding his head and lifting it to look up at steve. His grip wasn't very tight, just enough to make Eddie's cheeks squish in and lips change shape. Eddie smirked, his vision was blurry and his ears were ringing.

“Well, I haven't had any complaints yet.” Eddie said in a loopy voice, laughing softly.

“Excuse me?” He asked, looking at robin. He felt as Eddie slowly licked his palm, glancing back to see the man laughing at his actions. Steve let go and wiped his hand on his pants, robin laughing her ass off in the background while Dustin gagged.

“God i never thought i'd witness eddie and steve flirting but i'm not sure i enjoy it.” Dustin said.

“Hey! I am not engaging in flirting with him, he's doing that himself.” Eddie continued to giggle, throwing his head back because he was too weak to hold it up. 

“Jesus, it's like the Russians all over again.” Dustin mumbles. Gareth and mike burst into the family video store, a box of bandages and ice among many other things.steve let out a relieved sigh,

“Gareth, you're on Eddie duty. I'm gonna go get food from McDonalds, what do you want?” he looked Eddie in the eyes as he asked, it was like dealing with a child. 

“Noooo, i don't want you to leaveee.” Gareth stifled his laughter as eddie grabbed steve's arm and rested steves hand against his face. He snuggled into it like it was a pillow. Steve rolled his eyes. 

“I think he has a favorite.” Robin teased, to which Steve flipped her off with his free hand. Gareth cleared his throat.

“She has a point, looks like you're on eddie duty.” he replied. “I can do a food run instead.”

“Fine.” Steve sighed, sitting next to Eddie, who smiled happily.

“Yayyy!” He said, hugging Steve's waist. He jumped slightly, startled.

“Ok, that- this is happening now.” he said, slowly feeling himself relax again. Eddie rested his head on Steve's chest. 

“You're not-not going.. Anywhere.” Eddie said, smiling.

“Just get chicken nuggets for him.” Steve said with a sigh, slowly hugging him back. Gareth nodded, looking to the others who gave their orders. He scribbled them on a piece of paper and nodded, heading back out of the store(Mike went with him), which should've closed several hours ago. Steve seemed a little frazzled by the contact, blushing and awkwardly looking away from Eddie, who was trying to stay conscious as best he could. Eddie was calm but still loopy, Steve was tired and in an awkward situation.

“I'll be right back.” Robin said, heading into the back, probably to use the bathroom or get coffee or something.it left Eddie, Steve and Dustin in the room alone, and Dustin finally sat on the floor across from steve. 

“Why is he like this?” Dustin asked, and Steve sighed.

“Wish i could tell you.” Steve replied, as Eddie looked up at him.

“You're so pretty stevie.” he said, pecking steve cheek. Steve felt his face turn redder, biting his lip as his heartbeat spiked. Dustin groaned, looking back to his book.

“No- hey. Not the time, eddie.” Steve said, and Eddie frowned. “How much longer is this gonna be?” He asked, as Robin snapped a photo of  Eddie leaning in for another kiss on her stupid polaroid camera. Steve softly stopped him, not that he was opposed to Eddie kissing him, but he knew he was drugged and not in the right headspace. He wasn't one to take advantage of people, so he stopped eddie.

“Eddie, no.” Eddie whined.

“But I want a kiss!” He cried, laying his head back on Steve's chest. Steve raised his eyebrows at Robin, who just laughed. Dustin did his best to ignore them, putting in eddies headphones connected to his walkman and blaring it. Usually Dustin would despise Eddie's music taste, but for once he thanked god he had it. Because it was the only thing loud enough to make him not hear the conversation happening behind his book.

“No you don't, eddie.” Steve denied, looking over to robin. She laughed and wrote the date the picture was taken, then ‘s+e’ on the other. She added it to her collection of the photos taken days and  hours prior on the counter.

“Yes I doooo!” Eddie replied. Steve sighed. “One? Pleaseeeee, just one.” Eddie held up his finger weakly and leaned towards Steve again. “Please?” Steve felt himself let out a sigh through his nose, pinching his nose bridge. Robin seemed to be covering her mouth to stop her laughter.

“He seems pretty serious, Steve, I'd give him what he wants if I were you.” Robin said, and Steve threw his hat at her to get her to shut up. And maybe it was robins peer pressure, the udder loneliness of the store or the way eddie was staring at him like a lost puppy, but he slowly felt himself give into eddies wishes.

Steve cupped Eddie's face in his hand, slowly leaving a kiss on his lips. It was soft and simple, but not enough for eddie.eddie grabbed his head and pulled Steve closer, deepening what was once just a small kiss. Steve's eyes widened, as Eddie held onto him. Robin looked away, but not before snapping a picture of that too. Steve let out a small muffled noise of surprise, grabbing Eddie's hand that was resting on the base of Steve's head. Once again, he was never once opposed to this, but he still pulled away out of full courtesy.

“Hey! You said one!” Steve said, laughing and blushing more and more by the second. Eddie's forehead rested against steves, as he giggled.

“You're all red!” He said, giggling and running a thumb along Steve's bottom lip. He seemed more loopy by the second, and it now came to mind that this isn't even the total high of whatever drug had been administered to eddie. Steve then prayed that Eddie would pass out after eating. Robin seemed to get distracted by something in the back, walking to whatever she was looking at and leaving them alone once again.

“Why do you have to be so adorable like this?” Steve asked himself mostly, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as his hands rested on Eddie's waist. Eddie shrugged, smiling. He laid his head in the crook of Steve's neck. How was it that the taller male seemed so much smaller now, in his half-conscious half- drugged mind?

A/n: Kinda thinking about re-writing this and the last chapter. idk tho- do yall like it? Cus if you do i can keep it but idk :/.

A Crack In The Glass (steddie with some Rickie)Where stories live. Discover now