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Robin tapped her fingers on the counter and sighed, looking at the very faded writing on her hands that shed just dialed into the phone. It rang for a while, to where robin almost gave up. Until, just before she set the phone down, a voice broke the monotonous sound of the phone ringing.

“Hello?” It was undoubtedly Vickie's voice that filled Robin's mind and soothed her soul. She let out a small, relieved breath before speaking.

“I am really hoping you're not busy vic. I could seriously use a hand here at the family video store.” Vickie glanced at the clock, of course she was free.

“Of course- ill-ill be down in 10 minutes.” she said with a tinge of surprise.

“Ok, thank you.” Robin said, receiving a hum in response before vickie hung up. Robin slowly set the phone down and waited.

Vickie once again showed up within a few minutes, stepping into the relatively busy store, while robin helped people from the front. 

Vickie was quick to join her, giving her a chance to work on the computer and wait for the store to clear. She prayed her plan would work, but to be honest, her prayers were rarely answered. She knew she'd have to take matters into her own hands , that god couldn't ask vickie for her.

Robin's heart practically pounded out of her chest at the thought of how she would ask vickie anyways. Would she just bring it up in casual conversation? It was on her mind for a while as she and Vickie worked together and around one another. 

Once the store was clear of customers and cars besides vickies, they sat down and talked. And Robin still could not get the burning question off her mind.

“Gosh rob, my lifes been in shambles recently. I've been packing all week because i am finally moving out of my parents place, im behind on several school assignments, and worst of all is that my stupid boyfriend broke up with me!” She said, taking off her sun hat she wore often. “It's like- could my life get any worse?”

Robin opened her mouth to speak, to comfort vickie from her troubles, but her brain seemed to move faster then her mouth, causing her to spit out one of two questions in her mind.

“Will you go to homecoming with me?” she asked, widening her eyes while covering her mouth. Vickie blinked, head full of thoughts and a small smirk creeping up her face.

“Like, as your date?” She responded, earning a slow nod from robin. “I thought you'd never ask.”

“Shit that was terrible timing but holy shit I thought you were going to say no!” Robin says, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Well, then you are really bad at picking up hints.” vickie said, laughing

“I am, honestly.” Robin replied, smiling happily.

A/n: This chapter feels unfinished but im still leaving it here. also do yall want steddie smut?? Just curious cus i have some already written for this book but like-

A Crack In The Glass (steddie with some Rickie)Where stories live. Discover now