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A/n: I keep forgetting to put this but thank y'all for 1k reads!! Idk where y'all came from lmao, but thank you. I'll make this short so you can continue reading.

Eddie nearly jumped out of his skin when the sound of the phone ringing awoke him. Steve let out a groan as Eddie answered it, still laying down since it was barely in reach.

“What?” Eddie asked softly, groggy and annoyed.

“Heyyy, eddie!” Jonathan chimed on the phone. “So i was thinking- you, me, argyle, smoke sesh?” He said. Eddie looked at the clock.

“It's like- 1 am, right?” He asked. Jonathan hesitated.

“I mean you can go back to sleep, I was just saying-” Eddie cut Jonathan off.

“Do you care if I bring steve?” 

“What?” Jonathan asked.

“Steve- he's kinda on top of me right now. Do you mind if he comes with me?” Eddie asked, looking down at his boyfriend now half-awake on his chest. His hand ran through his hair and played with it softly.

“Uhh nah man, feel free. Can I ask why you two are cuddling?” Eddie covered his hand in his half awake state, realizing what he'd let slip.

“It's a… long story. You guys are staying at the motel six down on 4th street, right?” Eddie asked to change the subject.

“Yeah! And don't worry about bringing shit, Argyle’s got it all.” Eddie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Be there in half an hour.” Eddie agreed.

“Cool! The door will be unlocked, you can let yourselves in. The room is number 6.” Jonathan says, before they hang up. Eddie wouldve said no, but you can't ever turn down a smoke with some cool people, right?

“Steve, love.” Eddie said softly. Steve lifted his head to look at eddie. “Hi princess.” He kissed Steve softly, as Steve smiled. “We have to go get dressed so we can go smoke with jonathan and argyle.” Eddie says. Steve practically rolled onto the floor, struggling to walk properly. He stumbled and limped, and while Eddie felt bad for laughing, he did it anyway.

“This isn't funny asshole!” Steve said, sighing as he grabbed clothes from one of the bags he'd packed to stay with eddie. Eddie hugged Steve from behind, making sure his hands grazed Steve's lower stomach that was exposed, he giggled softly. “Stop, I'm ticklish.” Steve admitted, throwing on some jeans. Eddie tossed on one of the few crop-tops he owned and some skinny jeans. Steve put on a polo shirt, like he always wore, and once again tried to walk but failed miserably. Eddie sighed and after putting on some pant chains, wrapped his arm around Steve's shoulders.

“If byers asks just say you twisted your ankle.” Eddie instructed, helping him out to Eddie's van. Steve nodded and climbed in the passenger seat, as Eddie grabbed his keys from inside, locked the door, and left. They arrived quickly and opened the door to find argyle, jonathan, and robin on the floor of the motel 6.

“Wait, when were you invited?” Steve asked Robin, walking over and letting himself in, he hid his limp best he could, and despite it being painful it was better than the questions from all of the group.

“5 minutes after you where.” Jonathan answers, as Eddie sits next to Steve in the circle.

“Why are you limping?” Robin asked steve, and he blushed,

“Sprained my ankle is all.” Steve said with a chuckle, rubbing his neck.

“Ohh yeah did you also fall and uh- bruise your neck?” She joked, Steve flipped her off and she laughed. He covered his neck and looked at Eddie, who smiled.

“I know you guys said not to bring anything but uh, i already had some in my car from my tin, so here.” He tossed a small bag of weed into the circle, as they got everything set up.

A Crack In The Glass (steddie with some Rickie)Where stories live. Discover now