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Steve dragged Eddie out of the car,and Eddie sighed.

“Where are you dragging me anyways, steve?” Eddie asked, hands interlocked as Steve sped down the sidewalk. He parked in the only open parking place which was quite a ways away from the store he was bringing Eddie to.

“A family friend,” Steve answered vaguely, as he caught sight of Nancy lecturing mike. When she saw Steve and Eddie she waved, as Eddie laughed and waved back. 

“Hey!” Steve said, finally letting go of Eddie after they caught up to nancy.

“Hey! Um, the others should be here soon, and for now we can head inside.” Nancy says, as they head inside. They were awaiting will, Jonathan, el, robin, vickie and dustin. Lucas was supposed to show up, but knowing him he wasn't gonna match with the freaks but rather with the basketball guys. Not even Steve was going to, and in all honesty Steve was considering just flat out quitting basketball. It felt like it wasn't doing anything for him, and he was beginning to have problems with jason. It wasn't physical, but his stares were definitely somewhat both concerned and weirded out.

So the 4 chatted, catching up a bit since it had been a while since they had a good, genuine conversation. Yes they saw each other around school, but the atmosphere was buzzing and it felt as if there was too much happening at school and that they didn't have time to talk. They were on a couch in the lobby while waiting, they had the store to themselves after Steve pulled some strings for them.

The next to show up was robin, dustin and vickie. They joined the conversation until finally, Jonathan, Will and eleven showed up. Steve stood, and hugged el.

“Hey kid! Long time no see?” He said, and she giggled.

“Steve, you look the same.” She commented, and Steve smiled.

“Look at your hair!” he said, smiling. “It's almost better than mine!” She laughed softly, and Jonathan smiled softly at steve.

“Hey.” Steve said softly, an awkward wave. Jonathan did not look good. He gave a half smile and a wave in return. Mike stayed seated since he and El would catch up in a minute.

“So, does anyone care to tell me why we're at a fancy shmancy clothing shop?” A man said, coming inside. He reeked of marjuana, almost worse than eddie. He was very obviously high, and his hair was longer than anyone else's in the room. Jonathan shook his head.

“This is Argyle, he was our ride down here.” He explains.

“Shit, mate you are worse than me right now.” Eddie said, smiling and standing next to steve.

“Oh! Right so um, this is Eddie, he's my um..” Steve looked at Eddie with a blush.

“Former dealer.” Eddie filled in, shaking hands with Jonathan and then argyle, who instead offered a fist bump. He accepted it, then turned to eleven.

“So, are you the girl I hear so much about?” Eddie asked, and she looked to steve.

“Do you talk about me, steve?” she asked, and he laughed.

“I tend to ramble,” he says.

“Eddie munson.” He said, offering a hand to her. She shook his hand and Mike smiled at the interaction.

“Eleven, or jane.” she shook his hand.

“Ah, cool name.” he said, standing back up and wrapping his arm around steves waist. He glanced at a tattoo. “Whoa, shit- a tattoo?” she glanced at her wrist and awkwardly offered it out for him to get a better look of it. 


“How'd you get that?” He asked, and she awkwardly coughed.

“It's- uh- a long story, eds. I've explained it before and you called it bullshit.” Steve butt in, glancing to el.

“Yeah but you were high!” He replied.

“Intoxicated words are sober thoughts man.” Argyle said, and he had a point.

“Well… do you like it?” He asked. She shrugged softly.

“... not really.but it's permanent, so there's not much i can do about it.” she said. Eddie glanced to steve.

“Well, there is such a thing as cover-ups.” Eddie replied, pulling his jacket and vest off to expose his arms. He was wearing a baggy metallica shirt with the sleeves cut off and slits running down the sides from the armpits to elongate the armholes. Steve stared for a moment before looking away, realizing he was in a group of people.

“A… cover-up?” She repeated, and he nodded. “What's that?”

“You see this bat?” he asked, pointing towards the center of his tattoo on his elbow. She nodded, grabbing his arm and looking closely at it. “Its bigger then the rest because as a child i was pretty dumb. I once tried to tattoo myself, failed, and was stuck with this ugly star on my arm.” Steve Watched at how his boyfriend interacted with the girl, finding it endearing. “So when I was, what- 17? I got a tattoo kit from my uncle. And I taught myself how to tattoo! So then I covered it, and now we have these. And if I got permission from your mother, I could most definitely fix that for you.”

“Wait, did you do all your tattoos?” Steve asked. Eddie nodded, smiling. “How did you do the pentagram that's on your hip?” he asked, everyone was surprised Steve had known of the tattoo when no one else did. All eyes were on him as the room went silent, and Eddie was smirking at steve.

“How do you know about that one, steve?” Robin asked suggestively, and Steve blushed and threw a decor pillow on the couch at her. 

“I just do!” 

A Crack In The Glass (steddie with some Rickie)Where stories live. Discover now