The Concert

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When we got to the concert and sat in our seats, the first song was about to start. Halfway through the show I started getting goosebumps. I felt like someone was staring me down. I was proven right when I made direct eye contact with two men sitting a few seats down from me. At first I thought they looked familiar, and after a few minutes I realized they were the men in the black SUV that tried to run me over! Luckily it was already near the end of the show. In the middle of the last song, the music stopped and everyone including the singer was troubled. Just then I saw the two men getting up to leave. At first I was creeped out, until I saw them drop something glowing orange. When I looked at it they broke into a run. I was confused. Why would they run? Until I saw what they dropped had grown. It only took me a few seconds to realize it was a piece of paper lit on fire! I pointed it out to Aryanna, my parents and hers, to tell them we need to leave. When the parents saw it they freaked out and started running while screaming, "Fire!" That alarming announcement made everyone start running and screaming desperately trying to get out of there. We were first to evacuate the building because of our running head start, but we still had to stay while the firefighters came. They found the paper and examined it, just to find out the same thing I knew; it was lit on purpose. They asked if anyone saw who did it and instantly I raised my hand. I told them that it was two men. One wearing a blue and yellow sweater and the other wearing a red and black sweater. After a hopeless search they let everyone leave. On the way to the bank all six of us talked about what happened at the concert. All of us knew it was the same pair who set the concert on fire, that did the drive by shooting. After a bit more talking on that note, we changed the subject. For the rest of the walk we were talking about the amazing songs that Kate sang and how cool Kate Valentine's dark black dress and pink hair looked.

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