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After a few minutes a doctor examined her and pronounced her dead. Everyone had been crying and screaming and mourning. At first we felt horrible for their parents, but then we found out that both of them were actually orphans with dead parents. Apparently they became best friends at the foster care and made an oath that they would do everything together... including life to death. Everyone was too scared to separate, so they all slept over at my house. After everything that happened today, I couldn't bare to go into my bedroom, so we all slept in the guest bedroom. The next morning everyone was still sad about what happened the day before, so we decided not to go into my bedroom for the second day. While we were eating breakfast Julia told us that Sasha's last words were, "I don't care if I die today but I'm glad I helped." It surprisingly made us feel better because we knew that she was happy that she helped and didn't regret anything. After that there was a long silence which was broken by my mom. In a cheerful voice my mom said, "Seth admitted everything to the police! They didn't even need the security footage you guys got. By the way do you want to know why he targeted you guys? It was because he heard you talking about your book, Mia Williams and he thought you found out about his part in the mafia." After hearing that we all burst out in laughter. Hearing all that made our day way better. "Also, the police found out the names of the men!" my mom said happily. "The one with the blue and yellow sweater is Jack Walter and the man with the red and black sweater is Stephan Robinson," my mom continued.

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