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The second we got into our hiding spots, I put my wavy brown hair into a ponytail because I knew I wouldn't be able to fight with hair in my face. I was hit by surprise when I heard someone messing with the house lock. It sounded as if it were being forced open. I looked around the room to see if everyone else heard it and it was obvious by the faces people were making that they heard it too. Then I noticed Maddie and Sydney looking at each other with fear in their eyes, but I thought nothing of it because we were literally about to catch a criminal. It only took about ten seconds for my bedroom door to slam open, and there I saw Seth and the two men. The man with the red and black sweater looked around and said, "I see her wallet right there on her desk." Hearing that, Seth responded by saying, "This is too easy." Little did they know, they were about to get tackled. As soon as I saw Seth grab the wallet, everyone jumped out of their hiding places and started attacking their chosen person as planned. I jumped at Seth and started kicking him until we got him to surrender. I was extremely surprised when I realized that Maddie did all the work while Sasha and I did nothing. Until today, I didn't even know that she could fight. When Seth looked like he was down for the count, I looked around at the other two groups. I quickly noticed that Sydney was beating the man in the blue and yellow sweater to the ground. Meanwhile Savannah, Julia, and Charlotte weren't doing so well at fighting the man with the red and black sweater. Since we had Seth down, I asked Maddie to call the police while I helped fight the red and black sweater guy.

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