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I came back to the kitchen and whispered what I saw. At first I was planning to set the trap up all over again. But then Aryanna fainted! Just then I realized that I had to solve the problem alone. With that thought I ran upstairs making as much noise as possible, and hid in a closet. From the closet I heard two sets of footsteps, and I overheard a conversation: "I swear I heard something."
"Yeah I heard it too, maybe it was Nat!"
"I'm pretty sure she's at school. It's Monday you idiot."
"Then let's go! There's no reason for us being here if she's not." After that, all I heard were footsteps and the front door shutting. Just in case, I waited in the closet for a few more minutes, then I went downstairs and locked the door. After a feeling of relief came over me, I remembered that Arya fainted. Frantically I sprinted to help her, just to find out that she was starting to wake up. "You're ok!" I screamed happily, just to be answered with a weak, "I saw it all." Confused, I asked, "What do you mean?" I was not ready for the answer I received. I got a long explanation about how she saw a vision of everything that I imagined! I saw this as an advantage for the both of us, because now I don't have to do everything alone while Arya is clueless. After a bit of relaxing we got back to working on the pancakes. Within a few minutes the both of us had beautiful stacks of pancakes. For the entire day Arya and I hung out on the couch either reading or watching TV.

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