The Project

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After a long day of classes and tests we got to our last class of the day, Science. When we came into our classroom we saw desks moved into groups of three and a supply teacher. After a long explanation of how she set up random groups, she finally told us that we had a group project worth half our grade. At that moment we realized who we're sitting with are our partners. I'm with Arya and Seth Marvin. Seth is the new freshman with luscious blonde hair and sparkly green eyes. Arya has told me multiple times that she has a huge crush on him so this is gonna be perfect. I can use a game of matchmaker to get my mind off of everything that's been going on. Since the project had to be done after school hours, I texted my parents asking them to pick Arya and I up an hour after they usually do. After looking over the notes we each made in class, we realized that we needed to go to the library to get some books and then head to the school Science lab to test out our responses. After heading to the library and picking out all the books we needed, we sat down and got to work. We were exhausted by the time we finished, so now all we had to do was test out our answers in the school lab to see if they're correct.

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