Chapter 39: Troubles

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Death is never easy. It's the opposite of life and a central part of it. Some deaths are deep blows to the soul--- a beloved family member, dear friend, treasured pet. The loss is acute and felt forever. Then there are the deaths of those that aren't as deep but have an impact all the same. These are the demise of a head of state or some other important person. Both of these types of death render grieving and mourning.

But what about the passing of an enemy? Does anyone truly mourn an adversary? In life, one gets what one gives. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Wrongs that are done and injustices that are inflicted are paid back on the same bill. No one escapes it--- young, old, rich, poor. It's only a matter of time. People who create their own drama and reek havoc deserve what's coming to them. It's the pendulum of life.

No one mourned for Dereham or Culpeper, the same as no one grieved over the deaths of the seamstress and the Queen's lower ladies, nor did they cry over the drawing and quartering of the midwife. When Mary asked her husband why the woman was drawn and quartered, Charles ran a hand over his face. He told her, "Because the horrible woman committed treason. She stole your baby--- the baby of the Princess and heir to the throne."

Upon seeing the understanding on his wife's face, the Prince reminded her, "Mary, that is a capital offense of the highest degree. And don't think your father didn't want to make a lesson out of her because he did. He sent a message to anyone who dared think of doing something like that again. Henry made a statement to the Howards and Catherine as well. It tells them he will not spare them or forgive their part in these plots."

Mary played with her husband's fingers. She commented, "So this afternoon is the trial of Lady Rochford. Do you think she will contest her part in all of the shenanigans?"

Looking at his wife, Charles shook his head no. "If she does, that's the dumbest thing she could do. It's an open and shut case. There's a folder so thick with evidence against her that there's no way she can contest it even if she wanted to. Really, this afternoon will be like the others, mainly the lady's sentencing. Tomorrow will be a few of the Howard family's trials, particularly Henry Surrey and his sister Mary Fitzroy."

The Princess's head snapped to look at her husband. She stated, "Oh yes, the wife of my illegitimate brother Henry Fitzroy. I had forgotten that she was one of Catherine's ladies in wait. Blah! She was always a horrid woman too. It's strange how the Howards have wormed their way into my father's life in almost every aspect. I hope Dad has finally seen the light."

Charles placed his hand at the nape of his wife's neck and massaged. "Perhaps. All we can do is hope he has. As for the Howards, justice has finally found them and punched them in the face. Your father is sending another message tomorrow with the Duke's two children. Again he's letting Catherine and the Duke of Norfolk know they cannot escape what's coming."

That hit Mary hard. Her father has a way of punishing his enemies and making them feel the severity of it like no other. No one deserves misery, but sometimes it's just their turn. It's finally the Howards turn. That same misery that family has inflicted on others has come for them, and they will pay for it in full. She had thought about that throughout this week of trials. Now the Princess is unsure. She's finding it hard to forgive her enemies--- the Howards, Lady Rochford, the Queen, the midwife.

More than anything, she wants them to feel just a tiny part of the pain they've caused her. This family has ridiculed her, taunted her, treated her like rubbish, conspired against her, planted poison, and stolen her baby. They have brought so much torment to her life. She told Charles, "It's hard for me to forgive them."

He reminded her, "No one is asking you to do so. Forgiveness is personal. No one can make you do it. But just remember, don't forgive this family for their sake. They don't deserve your forgiveness. When you get ready, forgive them for your own sake. Remember, forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior. It serves to prevent their actions from ruining your beautiful heart. Don't hold on to the things they've done to you."

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