1~ Get back here theif!

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Hey guys! this is officially chapter one! i'm so excited to continue this book. I hope you are enjoying this as much as i'am! please don't be a silent reader and comment any questions or concerns you may have :) love ya x

That was a month ago.

Since then Emerson has learned quite a few things, how to hunt, how to protect herself and how to stay hidden.

Yes she's still afraid of the monsters she has recently began to call walkers...well because they walk. But she's not as scared as she used to be.

The apocalypse changes people.

You can't trust anyone.

The once scared and timid 11 year old now isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She isn't weak anymore; she's strong.

Or so she thought.

The glare of the sun flutters down on Emerson as she walks. Tall trees envelope the sky, allowing small beams of light to shine down.

A hunting knife glistens in her hands as she toys around with it. She stole the knife off a dead body, not like the owner can say any different.

Her face is barely recognisable, a dirt and blood mixture litters her exposed skin, along with a few scrapes. Her features are barely visible to any prying eyes other than her own. Her green eyes that were once shy and innocent.

Now a mixture of terror, maybe anger? For what the world has done to her. Or maybe even scarred.

Scarred at what she has seen, what she's had to do in order to survive.

Either way...she's not the little girl she used to be.


Emerson lazily drags her feet along the ground, leaves occasionally tiptoe across her shoes. Her muscles ache, she's tired and hungry.

Sleep has barely come to her the last few days, having no where to stay for the night, having to keep one eye open.

Her thoughts are scattered; not knowing where she's heading or when she'll next eat. Her eyes glance around, birds chirp in the trees as the sun blazes.

A scream

Emerson's head spikes up at the sound, alert eyes search the area, her slim fingers grip the hunting knife tighter naturally.

More screams

Where was the sound coming from?


Steadily Emerson follows the sound, thoughts going haywire at each step she takes.

There. In the opening of a few trees, are children playing a game.

Emerson watches closely; her body hidden behind a tree. Her brows scrunch in curiosity.

She glances around the area, it seems to be a camp. A group of adults are off to the side deep in conversation, many tents scatter the open space.

However, to the opposite side, secluded to the rest is a tent. Emerson's gaze focuses solely on the food strung up.

Dozens of rabbits, squirrels, you name it, are tied up to strings; ready to be skinned and eaten.

Maybe if she just secretly grabs the food and run no one will catch he-

Her thoughts are broken when a man much taller than herself exits the tent. His greasy brown hair shields his eyes from the glaring sun.

Her eyes are drawn to the angel winged vest he wears, along with his crossbow.

He walks away.

Now is her chance.

The adults are distracted, the children are engrossed in a game.

Emerson's steps are slow and cautious as she moves closer to the tent, her body still hidden as she tiptoes along the edge of the woods.

She looks around the camp continuously, making sure she won't be spotted.


Her legs carry her towards the tent before she can even think if this is a bad idea.


Her eyes shine victoriously as her fingers grasp one of the strings. Without a second thought she turns back towards the woods.

"HEY!" A voice gruffly shouts, catching the attention of the others in the group.

Many heads snap in her direction. Some confused and others wary of the new presence.

"Hey! Give that back ya thief!" The voice belongs to the crossbow man.

She doesn't move; her legs are frozen on the spot.

That is until he starts moving towards her, anger practically radiates off the man.

So she did what she always does.

Hands tightly holding on to the string.

Eyes following the tree line.

She ran.

(725 words)

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