9~ A reason to stay?

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Hellooo! Chapter 9 here! I really hope you guys are enjoying this book- some feedback would be great to know whether you like it or not! If you have any questions or concerns please don't be afraid to comment them! Love ya x

The sound of rustling could be heard throughout the RV, Emerson rubbed at her eyes to see what was going on.

There was the one and only Glenn pacing back and forth as he gathered some supplies.

"AHH" Glenn let out a high-pitched scream when he turned around only to see Emerson sat up watching him.

A giggle escaped her throat before she could swallow it down, her eyes widening in amusement at his reaction.

"Holy shit" He pants, a hand clutched to his chest as he calms down.

A knock echoed around Glenn's heavy breathing before the door was pulled open.

"I heard a scream, you okay Emerson?" Dales voice rang out.

This only made her start giggling harder, as Glenn blushed profusely at being mistaken for a little girl.

"Oh yeah i'm fine, not sure about Glenn though" She pointed her finger towards the boy whose beat-red face was hidden between his hands.

Dale nodded confusedly before exiting the RV leaving the two alone.

Glenn let out a loud groan "It's not funny!" He protested.

"It kinda is" She stated, a smile still stuck on her face.

"But hey at least i made you laugh" He smiles happily.

"Yeah i guess you did" She mumbles somewhat shyly.

"Anyway i'm sorry if i woke you Emmy but we're leaving early for the city" He informed, before going back to packing.

He seemed to notice her quietness, along with a small change in her mood. He mistakenly took this as an 'I'll miss you' face.

"Hey, i'll be back soon, don't worry" He attempted to cheer her up.

She nodded at his words.

She's mostly just upset about the chance to escape that's been ripped away from her.

But somewhere in her heart, a small part of her finds that she'll miss him.

"Your not gonna attempt to leave are you?" He questioned, eyes squinting to see if her answer will be a lie.

"Nope, no point getting in more trouble with Shane, and it's only 4 more days anyway" She tells him.

"So you've been counting, huh?" He takes a step back, placing his hat on his head.

"Yes" She mutters honestly.

"Hopefully, i can convince you in those 4 days to stay, with my amazing charms" He does funny poses resulting in a small laugh from her.

"Cmon we're leaving now" She eyes his outstretched hand before finally slipping her small one in his.

He helps her up and they both head to the RV door.

Upon exiting, a few heads snap in their direction before looking away. However, off to the side Lori and Shane watch them.

"She's holding his hand" Lori happily states.

"Perhaps she'll warm up to us over time" Shane wonders aloud.

"Maybe she'll even stay with the group" Her smile brightens as she watches Emerson talk freely with Glenn.

"At least she looks calmer with Glenn as well as Daryl" Shane speaks.

Lori nods her head in acknowledgment before wandering off to to wake Carl, Shane trailing after her.

"Wait what will i do without you here?" Emerson questions.

"Maybe go play with the other kids" Glenn shrugs as they wait by the cars.

The thought of it leaves a bitter taste on her tongue. He notices her grimace and a question forms in his head, before he could acknowledge it, he speaks up.

"Why don't you want to become friends with them?" His eyebrows raises in interest to her next words.

"Never had friends before, so why would i now?" She shrugs, looking up to him, her eyes stopping at his hat.

He thinks of what she told him but quickly dismisses it, not wanting to pry into her past.

She wishes she had a hat to protect her from the sun.

Her eyes practically set on fire when she looks at the sky.

He notices her looking at it, before he removes it from his head.

"Here, you can wear it until i'm back okay?" He smiles, placing it onto her head, the tip slightly falling over her face.

"Really?" She awaits for an answer but instead he laughs and turns her around, tightening the hat to fit her head.

She spins back around, a small grin on her face.

"Thank you" She utters out.

The others begin to say goodbye to their loved ones before making their way over to the car. Glenn looks down at her and kneels down onto one knee, although he's still taller than her.

"Right i've got to go now but i'll see you soon" He ruffles her head, the hat now creating frizz.

He laughs as she smoothens it down with a frown.

"Bye Glenn" She mumbles, hesitating before slinging her arms around his neck slowly, earning strange looks from the rest of the camp.

He freezes in shock but it soon disappears as he hugs her back, her head resting on his shoulder lazily.

"Bye Emmy" He pats her back as he leans away and walks towards the car, he turns around quickly and she sends him a small wave before they speed off down the road.

Emerson watches as the car becomes smaller and smaller before it's no longer in her sight. Her shoulders drop slightly as she realises the only tolerable person is gone for the day.

A hand grips her shoulder, a startled gasp escapes her throat as she jumps back.

"Woah sweetheart calm down" A voice soothes.


Emerson only stares at her, waiting to hear what she has to say. A small part of her is still shaken up from the slight scare.

"Me and Shane have decided that you can be alone, as long as someone knows where you are at all times" She tells her, eyes roaming over Emerson's face to see her reaction.

She nods her head before opening her mouth.

"Just gonna go sit at the picnic bench" She doesn't wait for a reply as she heads over there, Glenn's hat doing wonders to block out the sun.

Lori watches her retreating figure, eyes locked on the red hat resting on her head. She notices it to be Glenn's and a bit of hope bubbles in her chest.

"Maybe she'll find a reason to stay" She mumbles out before heading over to the 'school' area.

(1098 words)

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