6~ Where do ya think your goin?

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Hi darlin! chapter 6 here, hope your enjoying the book so far! love ya x

Emerson's eyes flutter open to see a face inches from hers and a hand clutching her shoulder. Subconsciously her fingers go to graze over her holster, only to be met with no knife.

oh right.

That dumbass took it.

Lifting her head her eyes lock onto Glenn, her tense body relaxing slightly as a small breath escapes her mouth.

"Hi" He states, a small smile rests on his face.

"Uh- morning?" She groggily says, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh uh morning, Lori said to come wake you...breakfast is ready" He awkwardly rubs at his neck.

She nods her head, stretching out her stiff legs before standing up.

He begins to walk towards the RV door, Emerson shuffling after him as they both exit the vehicle. Everybody is sitting around the campfire, happily eating and chatting away.

Her eyes roam around the rest of camp, eyes settling on the Dixon brother's camp.

They're no where to be seen.

Probably hunting.

Now she only has Shane to worry about.

Glenn leads her to a less crowded seat before handing her some food. She mutters a small thanks as she begins to slowly eat.

If she can get a moment when Shane is distracted she can make a run for it.

She only needs to find her knife and bat.

"Hey, hello? Emmy?" Glenn nudges her slightly, bringing her back to reality.

"What? I told you it's Emerson" She sends him a small glare in which he ignores and continues to speak.

"I said- how did you sleep?" He repeats.

"Oh uh fine i guess" She mumbles.

Silence falls upon them once again as they go back to eating. Emerson would occasionally take unnoticed glances at the trees and Glenn would listen in to the group's conversations.


Emerson was sitting by the RV, once again being 'babysat' by Glenn and Dale, when she asked to use the restroom.

In truth, she caught Shane and Lori sneaking off into the woods earlier, finding this the perfect opportunity to find her hidden weapons.

Spotting Shane's tent; she quickly made her way over. Her eyes scan the camp as her fingers anxiously pick at the brim of her shirt.

An old habit of hers.

Lifting the flap she dove into the tent unseen as she quickly drops to the floor. Crumpled shirts and other items litter the floor as she raises an eyebrow at his messy antics.

Her eyes roam around until she stop at his fold up bed. Her hands rummage around until she grasps onto the familiar objects.

Wasting no time she secures her grip and pokes her head out of the tent. Everyone seems to be invested in their own thing; Glenn and Dale having no suspicion of her whereabouts.


She dashes out of the tent and straight to the tree-line. Her heart thumps against her ribcage, her boots thud repeatedly as she makes her escape.

Just a little bit farther!

come on!

Almost there!


Her frame collides with a hard surface before toppling to the ground as she loses her balance.

"Hey there" A gruff voice enters her ears.

She stiffens as she notices their southern accent, she looks up to the voice.





He looks down to her, crossing his arms.

"Hey, weathers nice today isn't it" She fakes a laugh, trying to look innocent.

He doesn't find her amusing however as a hard glare reaches his face.

"Where do ya think your goin?" He grunts out

"For a nice....stroll in the woods?" She shrugs awkwardly, before her shoulders drop in defeat.

"You asking me or telling me?" She opens her mouth to speak but he cuts her off.

"You ain't supposed to be out here" He gives her a pointed look as she begins to stand up.

"Look Daryl, You hate me, I hate you right?" She sighs as her arms raise for extra emphasis.

"Your point?" He questions annoyed.

"Well my point, is that you let me go, and we'll never cross paths again" She tries to reason.

"Tempting...but nah" He shakes his head, shifting his crossbow to rest over his shoulder.



"What do you mean 'Nah'?" She argues, her face settling to a glare.

"What i mean is that if i let you go, Shane will be on my back" He returns the glare full-heartedly.

"So? Just throw him to the walkers" She states as if it's the most obvious thing.

He snorts at her response before grabbing a hold of her wrist. Her eyes widens at this as she begins to pull away.

"What the hell asshole" She begins to pull harder as he leads her back to camp.

"Ain't having Shane whine at me cause of a little shit" He grumbles out.

"Let. me. go!" Her pulling does nothing to stop him as they get closer.

What the fuck.

What does she do?

Emerson's legs give way as she sits on the ground and cross her legs stubbornly. This also doesn't work as dirt now clumps together on her clothes the more she's dragged.

To anyone else she would look like a rag doll being hauled around the woods. As amusing as it sounds it wasn't for her as she begins to fight again.

"Let go, you moron" Her voice rattles around the forest as she continues to screech.

Her fingers claw at his hand, trying to break free from his grip. An idea pops in her head as she kicks him in the knee as hard as she could repeatedly.

"HEY! stop that!" He shouts out.

She looks him in the eye and kicks again, looking like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Fine you asked for it" He mumbles out, her eyebrows raise in confusion not knowing what he meant by that when her body is thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" Her voice screams, deja vu entering her mind from the previous day.

The opening of camp comes into view, although everything is upside down for Emerson.

Along with the upside down Shane currently stomping towards them.

(1041 words)

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