10~ There are others

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Heyyy! I went through so much effort to add Glenn's hat on the picture and it still doesn't look good smh. Anyway enjoy the chapter! love ya x

Emerson was toying around with Glenn's hat when a commotion over by the cars peaked her interest.

A frown placed itself on her face as she gingerly walked closer to the rest of the group, just enough so she could hear what was happening.

"Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?" Emerson looked towards the radio as a static voice ripped into the air.

Amy rushes closer. "Hey? Hello?" She responds.

"Can you hear my voice?" The man speaks, as the camp share faces of...hope?

"Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through. Over." Amy rejoins, a small smile lighting up on everyones faces.

"We'll be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anyone who reads, please respond." His voice crackles due to the bad signal.

"We're just outside the city. Dammit. Hello? Hello?" Silence falls upon the camp. "He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him" Amy says, a downcast look on her face.

Dale speaks up "Try to raise him again. Come on, son. You know best how to work this thing" His gaze lands upon Shane who steps forwards.

"This is officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting a person unknown, please respond. He's gone" Emerson watches as Lori and her son walk over.

She thinks his name is.. Corl? Coral? Oh Carl!

"There are others. It's not just us" Lori pipes out.


You can't trust anyone..

Emerson doesn't hear the rest of the conversation as she quickly looses interest and turns away.

How come other people have their freedom but she doesn't?

Why is she the only one whose being forced to stay here?

Why can't they just leave her alone.

Subconsciously, Emerson had stumbled over to the Dixon's tent, she looks up in surprise at her weird surroundings.

She glances around the messy area, eyeing the knives, strung up meat, and her bat.

Oh her bat.

Wait what?

She does a double take when she sees the wooden object.

Thats where it is!

Shane must've thought that she wouldn't come over here.

That dumbass..

She looked around innocently before edging closer to the familiar weapon, although Glenn's hat blocks the sun, it doesn't give her a full view of her surroundings.

And it definitely doesn't show her a full view of the redneck stood behind her.

She stops dead in her tracks, inches away from the bat, when someone opens their mouth.

"What are yer doin" That stupid southern accent enters the atmosphere.

Fuck my life.

Of course it's Daryl.


Rolling her eyes before turning to face him, she's met with an unimpressed look.

"How are you everywhere?" She questions, motioning across camp.

"Well this is ma tent" He points out smartly, shoving past her and towards his stuff.

He returns moments later, his crossbow thrown over his shoulder.

"Why are ya still here?" He flicks her forehead before walking past again.

"Hey! That's child abuse" He grunts at her remark, shaking his head.

"It'll also be child abuse when i throw ya to the walkers, now beat it" He threatens, sitting down in his chair to sharpen his knives.

"Now beat it" She mimics him, flailing her arms about.

"You little shit" He grumbles out, throwing some squirrel scraps at her.

She quickly dodges it before running off "Missed me, ya rodent" She calls over her shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill er" He says abruptly, more to himself; the sound of screeching metal following after.

(601 words)

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