16~ The attack

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Chapter 16 here! Slowly getting closer to more chapters when they leave the quarry! I hope your enjoying this book as much as i'am! Thank you so much for 500 views! Anyways read on! Love ya x

Later on, Jim was tied to a tree to protect him from hurting anyone or himself. Emerson watches from the top of the RV as Shane and Dale bring him some water.

She can't hear what they're saying from the distance between them, but doesn't think too much of it. Instead she drops down from the vehicle and hides behind it.

She looks around before ducking behind a tent. She waits a few seconds before peeking out and running to the another, she repeats this action until shes at Daryl's tent.

Her eyes glance around until they finally fall on her hunting knife and bat. In a swift motion, she grabs it and heads for the tree-line.

Time to hunt.

With slow steps, she dodges around trees, leaving marks so she knew her way back.


She halts at the small sound, cautiously looking around until a squirrel enters her gaze. She crouches down, intently watching the rodent until she slips her throwing knife out of her sleeve.

Nice and slow.

She inhales a deep breath, before releasing her knife.


The sick squelch could be heard as her knife was driven through the animals skull. She heads towards it as the carcass falls limply from the tree.

With a small tug her knife is freed from the animal, splotches of blood soaking the tip of it.

She doesn't get to hunt any further as her name is called.

"Emerson!" She knew it was Shane's voice.

With a gasp she runs back towards camp, Shane could be seen on the other side of the camp shouting for her.

She quickly goes over to Daryl's tent, throwing her knife and squirrel on the ground, also slipping her other one back up her sleeve before jogging over to him.

"Calm down ya troll, i'm here" She rolls her eyes.

"Watch it" He warns, "Dinners ready, got us some fish" He smiles.

"Yay" She says, sarcastically.

He huffs before walking away to the campfire. She slowly trails after him, sitting by herself.

She mutters a thanks when she is handed some food.

"I've got to ask you, man. It's been driving me crazy" Morales voice cuts through the chatter.

"What?" Dale replies.

"That watch" Morales responds, pointing to the object.

"What's wrong with my watch?" Dale defends.

I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass" Morales laughs, others joining in.

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