2~ Keep running

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hiii! chapter two here! hope your enjoying it, don't be afraid to comment any thoughts you may have! love ya x

Emerson dodges trees left and right.

Two pairs of footsteps can be heard behind her.

"Get back here ya thief!" The crossbow man snarls out.

Her legs fuel in adrenaline, wanting nothing more than to escape their eyes and be free.

Her chest burns as she speeds up her pace, small branches and leaves whip her face mockingly.

Keep running!

Don't slow down.

Come on!

She mistakingly turns her head, the crossbow man and an even taller one with a crooked nose are catching up.

"Hey slow down wai-!" His words are cut short as Emerson runs straight into a tree.

Pains shoots up to her nose as she tumbles to the ground.

Tears prick at her eyes but she pushes them down. All she can think is...

shit! ow! fuck! ow! Son of a bitch! OW!

Black spots take over her vision, she reaches up to her nose only to draw back blood and inhale sharply.

Her eyes widen as she sees the blurry outline of the men get closer.

She tries to drag herself back to her feet, only to feel dizzier.

"Shit, you okay kid?" Emerson didn't know which man the voice belonged to, fully occupied with the pain in her nose and the stars dancing in her eyes.

She shuffles back quickly as the crooked nose man bends down.

"Get back!" Her words are muffled by her hand, drops of blood spill between her small fingers.

"Hey it's okay, we just want to help" His face holds concern but his eyes tell a different story.

"I don't, the little shits a thief" The crossbow man says, picking up the string of squirrels.

"Daryl quit it!" The black haired man spits out before turning his head back to Emerson.

She just watches this interaction, ignoring the burning in her face, trying to form a plan.

"What's your name, darlin?" He questions, bending down a little lower.

"None of your business" She spits out.

He taken back by her rude tone, but quickly squashes his anger down.

"How old are ya?" He tries again only to get no response. "Wanna come back with us?" His annoyance slowly builds the longer he waits.

"No" She finally responds.

"Your gonna have too...can't have ya on your own out here" His voice drips with fake concern once again.

"Should leave her for the damn walkers" Crossbow man mumbles his opinion.

"Daryl! I said quit it, she's coming with us" He harshly counters.

"No I'm not!" Emerson's voice interrupts their stupid conversation.

"Yes you are! You need protection" The man attempts to reason.

"I've been doing fine on my own so far" Her vision begins to clear up, the blood slowly drying on her face and clothes.

"Listen kid, just stay with us until your nose is better, have some food and water then you can leave" The black haired man slowly loses his patience with the small girl.





"No- HEY PUT ME DOWN" Emerson's voice screeches as the man throws her over his shoulder.

The crossbow man frowns in confusion at this interaction but begins walking away, attempting to block her voice out.


"Your coming with us" The man shakes his head at her attempt to break free.

"WHAT THE HELL" Her voice shouts.

Emerson kicks her legs around wildly.


Her arms throwing punch after punch on his back.

It doesn't seem to be any damage however.

"PUT. ME. DOWN. ASSHOLE." Her hands thud on his back between each word.


this can't be happening.

who knows what their group is like.

(641 words)

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