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SWARMING BATS  thrash onto the hard metal outsides of Eddie's trailers, the sounds echoing around eerily and the screeches of annoyance never going quiet

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SWARMING BATS  thrash onto the hard metal outsides of Eddie's trailers, the sounds echoing around eerily and the screeches of annoyance never going quiet. The three of them (Dustin, Eddie, and Astoria) stand in a protective formation in the middle of the room, their weapons at the ready just in case the bats found their way inside.

But, with their protection, it seemed as though it was impossible. They had been standing there for a good five minutes, and no extremely overpowered demo bats had gotten in. Not one. 

Despite this, the bats continued their attempts, slamming even harder. Suddenly, the slamming dies down. "Hey, dipshits!" Dustin screams, and Astoria and Eddie rush to shush him. But he doesn't stop his taunting, "Give up that easy, huh?!

Eddie shushes the boy again, turning back to say a disappointed, "Is that really necessary?" While the two boys discuss in whispers, Astoria's gaze turns up to the roof. 

Clattering can be heard, the footsteps of the demo bats denting into the ceiling harshly. Eddie notices her gaze, trailing it to where she was looking. "They're on the roof." 

It almost sounds as though the bats are laughing at them, as if to say, 'you really thought we wouldn't find a way?" And although they hadn't technically found a way in yet, Astoria fully believed that they would. 

She preps her hands for battle, adjusting her stance so that if anything (or anyone) attacked from up high, they would be stabbed by her garbage can shield. "Shit, shit, shit." They edge closer to the sounds, Dustin up front, Eddie behind him, and Astoria behind Eddie.

The ceiling creeks and rattles. The group's spears turn slightly upwards in defence as the swarm trills lowly. Dustin spots the vent, the one thing they hadn't covered. "They can't get in through there, can they?"

Astoria sighs in aggravation as a demo-bat bursts the vent open, shrieking at them. They yell inaudible words, charging at it and stabbing viciously into it's flesh. "Die, die, die!" The younger boy falls down in exhaustion whilst Eddie and Astoria continue to attack the creature.

They continue to viciously stab the bats for awhile, and it seems as nothing else can be heard but the bats whining in pain and the three screaming their lungs out. Normally, Astoria would laugh at the chaos, but right now didn't really seem like the time.

Eddie backs away to grab his shield, a plan whispering away in his thoughts. An unknowing Dustin and Astoria shout for him to come help angrily. The older boy grabs swoops them out of the way with his words, "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

He lets out a loud cry before slamming the tin weapon over the vent to cover the bats "only" entrance. Once they are sure the danger from the vent is gone, they let out pants of relief and exhaustion, murmuring curses under their breaths. 

"Nice," Dustin congratulates Eddie with a high-five. Eddie turns to Astoria for another high-five before her face drops. "Is that your only vent?" The boys' faces turn to fret. "Oh, shit." Like lightning, they rush after Eddie's lead, weapons in hand.

GIVE EM' HELL - eddie munson [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now