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"HELP ME  up Dustin!" Astoria screams shakily, tears filling her eyes. A nearby chair screeches, finally giving her an alternative than the sheet-rope that Eddie had cut. Climbing atop of the chair, she reaches upwards, managing to grab the side of the portal and pull herself into the Upside Down.

Dustin soon follows, but although only seconds behind her, she's already out the door and limping towards Eddie. A bone was definitely broken from her attempt at parkour, but she was pushing through the pain, because the pain of loosing him would by far be worse.

When she's about a house or two away from Eddie's Trailer, her frantic searching eyes finally spot him. "Eddie!" She yells breathlessly, relieved that she had finally found him. Alive.

However, her yell of joy turns heads. Eddie's head, along with demo-bat heads. "Shit." They zoom towards her and she begins her attempt at running with a broken leg in the opposite direction. Lunging down, it only takes one bat to ram her over onto the rough concrete road.

She prepares herself for stabs, strangling, or any other form of damage by the bats. It doesn't come. Astoria weakly sits herself up. 

And there he is. Eddie Munson, dancing around like a maniac with a giddy smile on her face. The girl smiles, a smile which soon fades when she realises that's why the bats turned around. Unable to do anything but watch and make every effort to get up, Astoria watches in horror.

We... we didn't know what to do so.. so we. We ran away.

We left her there.

I mean, look at us, we are not heroes.

Eddie pulls his weapons out in anticipation, the sound of the two metals scraping together ringing through the air. "No!" Astoria sobs out helplessly, watching as they dive towards him. Luckily, from what she can she, they haven't injured him yet.

A loud plead draws her attention, "Eddie! Astoria!" It was Dustin. She assumed he had probably had a worse fall than her, she was a cheerleader after all, she was used to having to suck it up and perform even with injuries.

Even the distance didn't disguise her seeing the petrified look on Dustin's face. Excruciatingly, she turns back to look where Eddie was once fighting the bats. A whirlpool like swarm of bats circled around him, and he was about to get sucked into it.

Suddenly, Dustin appears by her side. "Are you okay?" He asks, scanning her body for any sign of bat bites. She nods, saying a panicky, "Help him!"  The bats take their turn trying to attack Eddie, he manages to strike down a lot of them. 

"Come on!" He challenges. One strangles him off guard, and Astoria averts her eyes to the ground. 

She can't watch this. 

Once one has successfully done damage, this just gives an invitation for more, and more to stab into him. Astoria looks back up. Taking in a shallow breath, she begins to crawl towards the swarm. The ground is grazing everywhere, the bacteria in her flesh stinging her.

A wail is let out from inside the swarm and she lets out a pained sob when she realises that it might be too late. The girl crawls faster, and the wounds in her skin grow deeper. "No, no!

The bats have dropped to the ground by the time her and Dustin have both reached Eddie's side. She cups his head in her heads, tears rolling down her cheeks. It feels as though her throat is closing up, and her cheer uniform is covered with dirt, blood, and sweat.

She was a mess. But Eddie was worse. Bat wounds cover his entire body, blood is trickling out of his mouth, and he's struggling to breath. "Bad, huh?" Eddie questions when he sees Astoria and Dustin's horrified reactions.

"No, you're gonna be fine. We just got to get you to a hospital, okay?" Dustin says frantically and Astoria nods in agreement. They begin to try to lift him upwards, muttering instructions to one another. "Okay, I think I just need a second," Eddie says in response to the attempts.

They place him down softly at his request. He gives Astoria a strained smile. "I didn't run away this time, right?" She shakes her head and gives a smile back, "You didn't." 

He looks at Dustin. Astoria's heart sinks when she notices the teardrops in Eddie's eyes. 

Eddie was giving up.

"You're going to have to look little sheep for me," The older boy says whimpering. He replies with a consistent, "No, you're gonna do that yourself." 

Astoria holds onto him tighter, whispering to Dustin, "He's had his moment, help me get him up." They begin to stand him up despite his immediate protests. When they eventually get him (partly) standing they wrap his muddy hands around their shoulder and try to take a few steps.

"No, just let me di--" 

"Eddie, you wanted to know what I was going to say, right?"

Instantly interested in surviving, he nods. Taking in a sharp breath and gulping, she says, "I love you."

Dustin's mouth goes agape and his eyes go wide but he continues helping Eddie limp towards the trailer. "I'll explain it all to you if you survive this," The girl reaches over to his hand and links their pinkies together. "I promise."

The older boy chuckles. "Dude, I bullied you during Middle School, I must be pretty irresistible for you to love me," He manages. Astoria rolls her eyes and scoffs. "You know, if you weren't already dying I'd punch you so hard in the face right now."

Eddie hums nonchalantly. "I think I'll just take a nap."

He drops to the ground and Astoria gasps, checking his pulse almost immediately. The girl screws her face together in relief when she feels one, "Dramatic ass, I really thought he died." Dustin shrugs, breathlessly saying, "Help me carry him."



ummm yeah .. you're welcome u ugly fugly musty crusty dusty rusty readers

jk i love u smirky face winky face heart eye emoji xoxox

anyway eddie didnt die he's just in a little coma but yk he's gonna be alright and wake up (future me: kind of like youll see read the next chapter)

and u all will see what happens next also if he comes back as kas next season im just gonna like try my best to stick to my book while sticking to the actual show

YES this book will have a good but not boring ending  PLEASE KEEP READING AND SUPPORTING ME




words: 1180


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