Act:1 Scene: 2

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"This is the last exam this week. We should go to the club later." Jessa said with excited vibe laced in her voice.

"Sis, let me remind you that we have case presentation in Monday." Ekaterina chuckled. Seriously this girl never gets tired of parties.

"I know that, and so?? Relaxation and pleasure comes first to me girl." Jessa sassily interjected.

"Really? I thought you wanted to graduate with flying colors? And didn't you told me that you find Case Presentations the hardest?"

"Girl. I . Don't. Care anymore. Why? Because after this hell like activities, I'm done for. I'm so tired and I want to have fun." Jessa's dream is to actually become a doctor. Ekatrina and her are total opposite of wants, and yet they are what you will consider as besties. Although she does wants to be a doctor, she hates studying. Ekatrina on the other hand, is this nerdy girl who never stops studying even if she hates what she's studying. I guess its the effect of being an honor student her whole life. She can't see herself failing anything.

"Come on girl, let's go tonight. It's Friday anyways. I promise after the club party, I'll study whole weekend!" Jessa truly did her best to persuade her friend. Even gave her the best puppy eyes she could ever muster. 

"I'll think about it. For now, I have to hurry, the class is starting." Ekatrina started running away even before Jessa could say anything.

That girl didn't even asked me which club it is were going. Meh, I'll just message her where. Jessa thought as she stood up and follow where Kat  run to. She thought they had the same classes. 

Not really. She always forgets her own schedule.


    10 pm came and Jessa is already waiting outside the club. At first Kat was not coming when she suddenly showed up behind her wearing the most daring cloth in her closet. She never thought that her friend would actually wear what she bought for her. They both entered the club showing the guards their I.D, they were let in fast. 

      Turns out, other people were already waiting for them. Some are nursing students and some are form another departments and schools. Jessa quickly greeted everyone and introduced Ekatrina to them. Ekatrina on the other hand, simply nodded and said hi to them. She's devilishly furious. Jessa and her always hang out together in these clubs alone. And now, she brought a lot of fucking people without telling her. She didn't even now the names of these people and now she's forced to sit with them and have 'fun'.

     Since she's already there, she couldn't excuse herself to just leave. That would be something so rude to do and she doesn't want to leave them with a bad impression. She doesn't like this, but first impressions are important. Jessa and this guy Zeke started dancing on the dance floor like crazy. If anything, Jessa can't hold her liquor well. And now, Kat has the responsibility to look after her very much drunk friend. Anthony, the Med-Tech student, asked her if she wanted to try the drink that they ordered earlier; to which she agreed trying not to be rude. She only drank one, though. Clubbing with people that you don't now is very dangerous. She even made sure to watch the bartender how he makes the drink; making sure she isn't getting drugged.

  After some laughter with Sofia and Anthony about terror professors and doctors, she excused herself. Good thing the rest room is near, she couldn't hold her pee anymore. while doing her business, thoughts came to mind. Hell, when is the last time I actually had fun like this with people besides Jessa. She was relieved and happy. She's socializing, which rarely happens. She washed her hands thoroughly and started retouching her make up. Clubs really makes her a little sweaty. That's when she noticed a guy standing by the door. Who the hell is the creep that stands in the women's restrooms like that??

Turns out, the said creep is Zeke. She tried to be polite talking to him.

"Uhh, Zeke, this is the women's restroom, the men's is the other one to the left."

"I'm not dumb babe. I know that. I came here for you. I see you've been waiting for me." he smirked.

The bastard.

"Get lost, I don't have time for this kind of shit, Zeke."

Zeke went inside the restroom and got closer to her. Nothing irritates Kat other than persuasive bastards that only wants sex. Good thing Kate prepared her punch before she even entered the club.

"You crazy woman!! Did you jus--"

"Yes I did punched you. Now get lost." she said walking away fast. Who knows what Zeke could do to her if he gets up fast?


"Girl, are you okay?" Sofia asked.

"The Zeke guy tried to hit on me in the restroom." Kat explained.

"What?? He's my boyfriend!"

"Don't worry girl, I punched him for you." Sofia thanked Kat for telling her and she went straight ahead to the restroom trying to find his bastard of a boyfriend.

"Jessa!! we're leaving." This is going to be a one hell of an explanation to make for Jessa for interrupting her good time at the club...


"Those girls fit the criteria, don't they boss?"

"Yeah, make sure to take them unharmed."

"Yess bosss. But can we have fun with them first?" 

"Are you deaf? UNHARMED is what I said. They're for the boss."

"So the boss will be the only one to have some fun, huh? how disappointing." huffed the other one.

"They'll be sorted. The boss will think of the best way to use them. Just wait, who knows, the boss could give them to us as presents."



Have a nice reading experience everyone. My schedule is quite free that is why I republished this. 

-mai miyamoto

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