Act: 2 Scene: 5

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Soldier 005 held her breath, waiting for what would happen next. The silence was deafening, and it felt as though the whole world had stopped spinning. Suddenly, a loud thud broke the silence, and the door burst open as a woman dressed in black uniform entered the room. The sound of metal and chains clanking against each other as she approached the table made Soldier 005's heart race faster.

It was clear that something terrible had happened in the laboratory. Jessa lay motionless on the floor, her lifeless eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Ekaterina was covered in blood, her face contorted in an expression of insanity. The walls and floors were splattered with gore, and body parts were scattered everywhere.

As Soldier 005 watched in horror, five guards cautiously entered the room. The moment they saw the carnage, they froze. It was then that they noticed Ekaterina, who was clearly in a state of madness. She had gone beyond the point of no return, and they knew that they had to act fast.

The guards were used to dealing with unruly subjects, but this was different. They had never seen anything like this before. The few times that someone had gone berserk, they were easily subdued, but not this time. Ekaterina had not only killed three guards but had also dismembered their bodies, leaving a gruesome sight.

One guard suggested that they lock down the laboratory, but another opposed him, claiming that they should take action and subdue the berserk woman. He wanted to show respect to the older guards who had lost their lives. However, they knew that this was no ordinary situation, and they had to proceed with caution.

The five soldiers were taken aback by the scene before them. The walls and floor were slick with blood and body parts, and the air was thick with the smell of death. They had never seen anything like it before. 

As they moved closer to Ekaterina, she didn't flinch or move. Instead, she just stared blankly ahead, lost in her own little world. It was as if she was possessed by a demonic force, and the guards could feel it. They knew that they had to act fast, or things could get even worse.

Soldier 005 could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the guards approach Ekaterina. She was filled with dread, knowing that things could go horribly wrong at any moment. She wondered if she was about to witness something truly terrifying.

The guards moved closer to Ekaterina, and Soldier 005 held her breath, waiting for the worst.  Suddenly, Ekaterina sprang to life, her eyes wide with madness. She lunged at the guards, her hands moving at lightning speed, tearing into their flesh. One of them raised his weapon, but before he could fire, Ekaterina lunged at him with a shard of glass she had picked up from the floor. He dodged, but she swung again, this time hitting him in the arm and causing him to drop his weapon.

The guards fought back, but it was clear that they were outmatched. Ekaterina was like a wild animal, tearing into their flesh with a ferocity that was beyond comprehension. Soldier 005 watched in horror as the guards were ripped apart, their blood and gore splattering the walls and floors. The other soldiers moved in, trying to subdue her, but Ekaterina fought back with a ferocity that surprised them. She was like a wild animal, all claws and teeth, slashing and biting at anything that came near her. One soldier managed to land a punch to her face, but it only seemed to make her angrier. She grabbed his arm and twisted it until it snapped. The remaining soldiers circled around her cautiously, not sure how to approach her. Ekaterina lunged at one of them, but he managed to dodge and kicked her in the stomach, sending her sprawling to the ground. As she lay there gasping for air, the soldiers moved in to subdue her.

In that moment, Soldier 005 knew that she had to act fast. She had to find a way out of this madness before it was too late. She looked at Ekaterina, who was now laying still, covered in blood and gore. It was as if she used up all of her strength she has with her. Soldier 005 knew that she had to be careful, or she too would fall prey to Ekaterina's madness.

Soldier 005 made a move, slowly she stood up while the guards were recuperating in their pain, happy that they finally tranquilized her. They were relieved that Ekaterina will probably not rise up soon. They were so consumed with their relief that they didn't notice Soldier 005 get behind them. 

005 slowly raised her hands going for a hit to the soldiers carotid artery so she can get the unconscious. And she did, with her trained, fast reflexes, she succeeded. Next, she took care of Ekaterina, careful as to not awake her. Soldier 005 tied her on the electrical chair. Soldier 005 is definitely confident with her skills,  but she doesn't know what else this monster that consumed Ekaterina's mind is capable of, so she made a choice to make sure she wouldn't get hurt by this woman first. Especially she is also not in a good condition.


Get ready, we'll corner the final hide-out!

      Yes sir!

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