Act:2 Scene: 1

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ACT 2 SCENE1:       PAIN  


     Confused and scared of what's going to happen, the ladies had no choice but to follow what was being said by the men who were tasked to take them somewhere. They were taken in a lab. All of them were forced to seat in this metal chair that adjust; something like a chair for patients. The only weird about the chair is that Ekaterina never saw this in hospitals or Med school. 

    Ekaterina focused on the chair and only at the chair. She feels something odd about it, as if it is radiating a bad energy. A second of glimpse of the whole laboratory that they were put in, and immediately, a paper bag was placed on their heads preventing them to see anything.

    They all heard a machine start up, it was loud, so loud she felt like her eardrums were going to break in any moment. That's when she felt Jessa being taken away. Jessa's hold on her was pulled abruptly. She didn't know what they would do to her, but all she hears are the struggles of her friend.

Ekaterina could hear her friend's screams, and her heart raced with terror. She was left alone in the room, unsure of what was happening. She could only cry and hope that Jessa would be okay.

It wasn't until later that Ekaterina found out what was really happening in that laboratory. The kidnappers were forcing the girls to join their organization by torturing them. Jessa was strapped into an odd-looking chair, which turned out to be a modern electrocution device. Ekaterina listened helplessly as Jessa writhed and screamed in pain from the electric shocks.

Despite her own fear and pain, Jessa managed to say "yes" to the kidnappers' demands. And one by one, all the other girls were pulled away and subjected to the same treatment. Ekaterina was horrified at what was happening to her and the other girls.

Days turned into weeks, and Ekaterina remained in that laboratory, feeling hopeless and trapped. The only thing that kept her going was the thought of Jessa, and how much she wanted to see her friend again. But with each passing day, she began to lose hope that they would ever escape.

Eventually, Ekaterina was also strapped into that chair, and the electric shocks coursed through her body. She tried to resist, but the pain was too much, and she too said "yes" to the kidnappers' demands. She regrets it, she regrets it all. At first she thought that she would rather die than to agree to these people. But soon, her body betrayed her. It was all too painful. She was going crazy at that point. After all, she is the only girl that managed to say no for two whole days. The kidnappers had a lot of fun cracking her. One of them even said "she's surely a one tough nut to crack, ain't she?"

It wasn't until much later that Ekaterina found out what she had agreed to, and the true extent of the kidnappers' plans. But by then, it was too late. She was trapped in a nightmare, with no hope of escape.


The next day, the girls were again taken into another room, and this time the terror was amplified by the realization that they would once again be subjected to torture. The kidnappers seemed to have no regard for their safety or wellbeing and wanted their full cooperation, no matter the cost.

Ekaterina's heart raced as she was led into the room, the fear of the unknown looming over her. Her eyes widened as she saw the instruments of torture laid out before her. Whips, chains, and knives. She felt a cold sweat break out on her skin as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

The kidnappers wanted to break them, to control their minds and their very being. They wanted them to become their pawns in their nefarious schemes. Each woman was tortured in turn, the pain searing through their bodies as they screamed in agony. But it was not just physical pain they were subjected to. The mental anguish was almost worse, as they were constantly reminded of their vulnerability and the hopelessness of their situation.

Ekaterina felt as though her mind was being slowly unravelled, the torture and the constant barrage of psychological manipulation taking their toll. She tried to resist, tried to hold onto her sense of self, but it was a losing battle.

The other girls were no better off, their bodies broken and battered, their minds shattered. They had all agreed to the kidnappers, hoping for some relief from the pain, but it was clear now that there was no escape from this nightmare.

Days turned into weeks, and Ekaterina found herself slipping further into darkness. The pain and torture had become a daily routine, and the constant reminders of her helplessness only served to deepen her despair.

But amidst all the hopelessness and despair, a small spark of defiance flickered within her. She began to realize that even in the face of overwhelming odds, she had to hold on to her sense of self. She could not allow the kidnappers to break her, to control her mind.

It was a long and difficult journey, but with each passing day, Ekaterina found her inner strength growing. She began to resist the mental manipulation, to push back against the pain. It was a small victory, but one that gave her hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of this nightmare.

Despite the odds, Ekaterina refused to give up, refused to let the kidnappers win. She clung to her sense of self, and in doing so, she found a glimmer of hope in the darkness.



Have a nice reading experience!

-mai miyamoto

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