Act: 2 Scene: 3

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The voices in Ekaterina's head grew louder and more insistent with each passing moment. They whispered to her, urging her to give in to the darkness that threatened to consume her.

       Kill them all 

             Make them suffer. Show them the pain that they've inflicted upon us.      

Ekaterina's mind was a twisted labyrinth of madness, the boundaries between reality and insanity blurring until they were indistinguishable from each other. The pain from the torture only fueled her madness further, the darkness within her growing stronger with each passing day.

      Where the hell are my books? I still have to review some cases

Shit.. I still have to go with Jessa to the club tonight!


            Huh? Where am I?

My ears hurt? 


                                        I'm gonna kill those bastards!

Kill them for what? 


                                                                   It hurts

Let's dissect that guy at the door!


The voices within her head continued to whisper, their words growing more and more sinister. Do it  .... they urged. 

Take revenge for what they've done to us. Show them the true meaning of pain.

Ekaterina's mind was consumed by visions of violence and death, the faces of her tormentors twisted into grotesque masks of fear and pain. She could almost taste the blood on her lips, feel the weight of the knife in her hand.

The voices urged her on, their words echoing through her mind like a twisted mantra. KILL, KILL, KILL  they chanted. "Make them pay for what they've done to us."

Ekaterina tried to push the voices away, to ignore the dark thoughts that swirled within her mind. But they were always there, a constant presence that she could not escape.

      Go away!! Leave!! 

                       Stop being so loud!!

You want me to leave darling?

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