Act: 3 Scene: 2

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As Erwin and Levi finally reached the cell where Soldier 005 was being kept, the atmosphere around them grew increasingly ominous. The air was thick with a sense of dread and terror, and the smell of blood and rotting flesh filled their nostrils. They could hear faint whispers and muffled screams coming from the other cells nearby, hinting at the horrors that lay ahead of them.

As they approached the cell where Soldier 005 was being kept, they finally saw the full extent of the horror surrounding them. The walls and floor were splattered with blood, and bits of flesh were scattered all around. Some of the girls in the cells were already dead, their bodies mangled and twisted beyond recognition. Others were still alive, but barely, their eyes vacant and their bodies covered in bruises and cuts from the brutal torture they had been subjected to.

One girl was tied to a chair, her body limp and unconscious. Levi moved to untie her, but as he examined the knots, he realized with a sinking feeling that they were specifically designed by the Death Squad to be impossible to escape from. Soldier 005 spoke weakly, admitting that she was the one who had tied the girl up in order to prevent her from causing more harm.

Levi looked around in disgust at the filth and gore that surrounded them. Erwin called for one of their soldiers outside to come in and help take the surviving girls to safety. Erwin immediately sprang into action, barking orders to his team. They quickly worked to free the remaining girls from their cells and bind their hands and feet to prevent any further damage. The stench of death and suffering was overwhelming, and even the battle-hardened soldiers were shaken to their core by the gruesome sight before them.  

          Erwin.. done with the other girls from the left wing of the facility... WHOAA. What the hell happened here?... 

    Torture Hange... aside form that, some things are unexplained yet. ... Erwin looked at the tied up girl .

Wow! These tech is really amazing! They use these for the girls?   Hange exclaimed not bothering about the carnage, blood and Erwin's words anymore.

Yes Hange, Good Jo--

                      OHHH, can i bring these tech with us? I can use it for research!    She asked repeatedly like a lost child which only made Erwin chuckle internally. After all, it is rare to find a soldier so enthusiastic at these times.

Uhh, sure Section Commander.  

As they prepared to leave the cell, Erwin issued a stern warning to his team. They were to sedate the unconscious girl lightly, cuff her hands and feet, and bring her back to their headquarters for further investigation. He knew that they had to act fast before the situation spiraled even further out of control.

The horror of the cell and the atrocities committed within its walls would haunt Erwin and his team for a long time to come. The experience had left them all shaken and traumatized, and they knew that it was something that they would never forget. The whole place was filled with death and suffering, a testament to the horrors that these girls had endured at the hands of the organization. It was a reminder of the evil that lurked in the shadows and the constant danger that their world was in.

After Erwin and his team left the organization's hideout, they didn't leave a single one of those bastards alive. Erwin knew that they were dealing with a group of ruthless murderers and leaving them alive would just put more innocent lives in danger. As the death squad, they were allowed to use any means necessary to complete their mission, as long as it was kept secret from the authorities. Erwin was aware of the risks, but he also knew that it was necessary to stop the organization from hurting more people.

Once they had gathered all the files and technology they could use, they set off explosives to destroy the hideout and cover their tracks. But before leaving, they took the girls with them. Erwin and his team sedated everyone to keep their identities and location hidden. They also collected the bodies of the dead girls and promised to send them back to their families.

Upon arriving at their headquarters, they first examined the girls while they were still asleep and treated their wounds. They wanted to make sure that they were in good condition before releasing them to the authorities. The dead girls were also given proper care and cleaned up as much as possible. The soldiers are doing their best to fix the bodies so that the family wouldn't have to see the mangled truth of the torture. After cleaning up the dead girls, they contacted the UN so that they could handle the corpse that will be send out. The corpses would go first, but the girls who are still alive will stay for three days more. It is so that they could recuperate and be better when they are back to their respective countries. The girl that was tied up, were placed in a separate room than the others. It was a cell but the converted it so that it would feel comfortable once the girl wakes up.

Soldier 005 was also given the treatment she deserved. She had been filled with adrenaline during the mission, but as soon as it subsided, she collapsed against Levi. They took care of her immediately and let her rest. They also called for their psychiatrist. Erwin saw everything there, the horror, the suffering; he too was affected by what he saw. What more could happen to the mind of the one who experienced and saw it all. He made sure that 005 would be back in the game in no time.

Erwin couldn't shake off the image of the tied-up girl. What had she done to trigger Soldier 005 to see her as a threat? He knew that they needed to find out more about her, and he ordered his team to investigate her as soon as possible. He couldn't let any more innocent lives be lost to the organization's evil plans.

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