Act: 2 Scene: 2

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Act:2 Scene: 2  -    Broken


       The kidnappers continued to torture the girls relentlessly, using every method at their disposal to break their minds and their spirits. Each day was a new nightmare, and the girls were forced to endure unimaginable pain and suffering.

         One particularly cruel method of torture involved a device that emitted a high-pitched sound that only the girls could hear. The sound was so intense that it caused excruciating pain and nausea, leaving the girls writhing in agony. They were dying, slowly. Even when the girls "accept" the kidnappers conditions and rules, they were still repeatedly subjected to the horrible pain. As if the kidnappers wanted them dead in the end. As if the only thing matters to them was the satisfaction they are getting from the screams of the ladies. They never muffle the voices of the girls. They make sure that each and every one of them will hear each other's pain and agony. 

       Ekaterina was subjected to this torture repeatedly, the sound ringing in her ears long after it had stopped. She tried to fight it, to block it out, but it was like a constant buzzing in her brain that she could not escape. She begged and begged for them to stop. They continued as if they heard nothing, of course. 

     Jessa on the other hand, just sits silently in the corner of the room. She never stops crying with no sound... just plain old agony. Her body filled with wounds that seemed to be unhealable for she is sure that they have been locked up for days... maybe months? Or has it been already a year? Nobody knows but those spawn of devils that were cast out of hell just to inflict pain on them. With her mouth, nose and ears that were continuously bleeding, she sat in the corner with blankness on her mind. No anger, no sadness, not a glint of hope... only silence...loud silence...for she can no longer hear a thing.

    As the days went on, Ekaterina began to feel as though she was losing herself. The pain and the torture had worn her down, and she could feel her mind slipping away from her. She became withdrawn and unresponsive, a shell of her former self.

Ekaterina's mind was no longer her own.

                              No longer mine??

                                        All mine...

 It had been shattered by the constant barrage of torture and pain, leaving her with nothing but a twisted, dark, and psychotic shadow of herself.

She was consumed by thoughts of violence and destruction, her mind constantly churning with images of blood and suffering. The kidnappers had succeeded in breaking her, but they had also created a monster.

It's quite nice here, isn't it?

                 No parents yelling, no stress... just pure thoughts...

Every moment was agony, the pain seeping into her bones and festering like a wound that refused to heal. But even in the midst of this torment, Ekaterina found a strange sense of comfort in her own madness.

W-when is this all going to end??

         End?? Oh no. I hope the hell not.

Her thoughts were a twisted labyrinth of darkness, the boundaries between reality and insanity blurring until they were indistinguishable from each other. She saw the world in shades of red, every person and object a potential target for her wrath.

Jessa, Jessa, Jessa... where are you? 

                          It's all your fault I got here!!..... and... also a fragment of an absolutely bright idea!

Oh dear, perhaps I should thank you?

The kidnappers had created a monster, but they could not control it. Ekaterina was beyond their reach, lost in the depths of her own twisted mind. She was a force to be reckoned with, a hurricane of rage and pain that threatened to consume everything in its path.

And yet, even in the midst of this madness, there was a glimmer of something more. A tiny spark of hope that refused to be extinguished, a light that shone through the darkness and reminded her that she was still human, still capable of feeling something other than pain and rage. Would it survive? Hopefully so. 

But that light was quickly fading, suffocated by the darkness that surrounded it. And Ekaterina knew that if she did not find a way out of this madness soon, she would be lost forever.

                     Lost forever? Darling? I'm long gone

The kidnappers seemed to take pleasure in her suffering, using her as an example to the other girls of what would happen if they did not cooperate. But Ekaterina no longer had the strength to fight back, and she simply lay there, numb and unfeeling.

Her mind had become a blank slate, a hollow shell of a person with no emotion or thought. The constant torture and manipulation had broken her beyond repair, leaving her as nothing more than a puppet to be controlled by the kidnappers.

The other girls looked on in horror as they watched Ekaterina's transformation, realizing that they too were in danger of losing themselves to the endless cycle of pain and suffering. But despite their fear, they could not help but feel a sense of admiration for Ekaterina's unwavering determination to resist the kidnappers.

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