Act: 4 Scene: 2

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     As night descended, casting its ominous shadow upon the world, Levi reluctantly took his seat at his desk, the weight of the evening's harrowing events settling upon his weary shoulders. The dim light in the room flickered intermittently, heightening the atmosphere of unease that pervaded the air. His intentions were clear—to swiftly document the distressing encounter with Ekaterina in a concise and succinct manner. However, the words spilled forth from his pen, cascading onto the paper with an unstoppable urgency, transcribing every detail, every moment of their interaction.

     Levi's hand moved with a mechanical rhythm, guided by a mind consumed with a torrent of thoughts. Thoughts that will probably keep him up even if he wanted to rest. Each stroke of the pen betrayed the turmoil that churned within him, the ink bleeding onto the page like a haunting echo of the chaos that had unfolded. Though he yearned for respite, his mind refused to yield, drawn back to those fleeting moments of shared solace that had preceded Ekaterina's abrupt transformation.

      Within the sprawling lines and meticulously crafted sentences, Levi retraced the path of their brief connection, the fragile bridge of understanding that had threatened to crumble under the weight of Ekaterina's late outburst. He dissected their exchanges, analyzing the minutiae of their gestures, their fleeting glances that hinted at a fragile bond formed amidst the darkness. Yet, the specter of horror that had emerged, shattering their tenuous connection, gnawed at his thoughts with a relentless persistence.

     As he chronicled the disconcerting events, the minutes blurred into hours, time slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. The intensity of his recollections intertwined with the ever-present dread that lingered within the confines of the room, creating an atmosphere of suffocating tension. His pen scratched against the paper, as if fighting against an unseen force, as the narrative unfolded, threading together the threads of fear and uncertainty that had woven themselves into their encounter. She was so tame and calm looking at first, but she soon revealed that with only so little trigger, she tends to unleash a beast within her mind. With each passing sentence, the weight of responsibility settled upon him, as if he alone carried the burden of comprehending the unfathomable depths of Ekaterina's transformation; he's the only one to have seen it so far after all.

      "Did Hange experienced something too?"  Its a question in his mind that he silently prayed that happened but at the other side wished it would never happen to Hange. He didn't want to be the only one to experience such sudden horror from an innocent looking woman;  and yet, he also didn't want his bestfriend to get hurt in a situation like that.

      Finally, he affixed his signature at the bottom of the report, its completion marking the end of a grueling task. Yet, a heavy silence permeated the room, lingering as a tangible reminder of the ominous nature of their encounter. The air seemed to thicken, suffocating Levi's breath as he leaned back in his chair, attempting to extract himself from the relentless grip of the events that had transpired. In the stillness of the room, the words he had penned stood as a testament to the fractured connection that had unraveled before his eyes. He closed his eyes momentarily, a respite from the relentless strain that had settled upon him. However, even in the darkness behind his eyelids, the haunting image of Ekaterina's transformed smile loomed, a constant reminder that their fragile bond had shattered, leaving only a residue of unease in its wake.

     "Its one of the rare times that I've actually been scared..."

       He anticipated that he would take another hour to sleep, but he slept like a child that was tired of playing all day despite his encounters. His mind flew away that night.

Levi found himself strolling through a vast, idyllic field on that particular day, a departure from the usual confines of the barracks and the rigors of training. The field stretched out before him, a verdant expanse teeming with life, the fragrance of grass and flowers permeating the air. There was an otherworldly quality to this place, as if it existed in a realm untouched by the harsh realities of their world.

Drawn by an invisible force, Levi continued to walk, his steps guided by an unseen hand, until he reached the magnificent tree that loomed majestically on the horizon. Its branches stretched toward the heavens, casting a sprawling shade beneath its canopy. It was a tree that Levi himself had come to know intimately, a sanctuary he had painstakingly carved out to provide solace and respite from the turmoil that plagued his existence.

To his astonishment, as he approached the tree, he beheld a figure seated upon the familiar bench he had crafted just days before. Clad in a flowing white dress that seemed to blend seamlessly with the ethereal surroundings, the woman's presence stirred a deep, familiar chord within him. It was Ekaterina, her features radiant and serene, a beacon of tranquility amidst the dreamlike landscape.

As Levi drew nearer, he could hear the faint strains of a melody drifting through the air. It was a song that resonated with the echoes of his past, a song his mother used to sing to him when he was but a child. He remembered his mom talking about how she heard the song when she was a child on their old radio. The haunting notes of "Mary on a Cross" from 1969 wove through the fabric of his being, evoking memories long forgotten yet somehow etched into the very core of his being. Ekaterina hummed and sung some parts of the song into the air.

You go down just like Holy Mary...

Mary on a.. Mary on a cross

Not just another bloody Mary.... Mary on a cross.

Overwhelmed by a sense of enchantment, Levi took a seat beside Ekaterina, their bodies fitting together as if they were pieces of a long-lost puzzle. She tenderly leaned back, cradling his head in her lap, her delicate fingers delicately entwining themselves in his raven hair. In that surreal moment, time seemed to stand still, the worries and burdens of the world slipping away into the recesses of his subconscious.

If you choose to run away with me...

I will tickle you internally...

Under the sheltering embrace of the ancient tree, Levi closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the enchanting melody and the soothing touch of Ekaterina's presence. The warmth of her touch and the gentleness of her voice became his sanctuary, cocooning him in a world where pain and sorrow were but distant whispers.

and i see nothing wrong with that.....

In this ethereal realm, they existed beyond the constraints of reality, their connection transcending the boundaries of time and space. It was as if the universe itself had conspired to bring them together, weaving a tapestry of solace and serenity amidst the chaos of their lives.

Mary on a... Mary on a cross...

But even in the midst of this dreamlike bliss, a subtle unease began to seep into Levi's consciousness. The tranquil melody shifted, warping into an eerie, discordant harmony that sent shivers down his spine. The once-familiar face of Ekaterina contorted, her eyes transforming into a piercing gaze that bore into the depths of his soul.

As the dreamlike haze dissipated, Levi felt a cold chill envelop his body. The comforting touch of Ekaterina's hand turned icy, her soft hum replaced by a dissonant cacophony that echoed in his ears. A sense of dread washed over him, the idyllic tableau crumbling before his eyes.

Your beauty..... never.... really... scared ... me

With a jolt, Levi wrenched himself free from Ekaterina's grip, his heart pounding in his chest. The once serene field now appeared distorted, the vibrant colors draining away, replaced by a haunting darkness that seemed to devour all light. Suddenly it became night and as he examined Ekaterina's face, her smile that once brought him calmness turned into a creepy one, as if she's mocking him, as if she's ready to devour him alive. 

    He woke up panting and sweating. Tears pouring down his face as his mothers memory suddenly mixed with Ekaterina's enchanting personality and personal beasts. 

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