{Chapter 1 - Wildest Dreams}

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{Wallace's POV}

I rubbed my eyes, as it seemed I fell asleep after reading that book.. I sat up and looked around the room, seeing the fact that it's different, and.. "It couldn't be, am I in the fairytale? I mean, it's not like that can happen.." But then again, there are pokemon that have such weird information about them. I hopped out of bed, and fixed the softly swept ends on my turquoise hair, and tied the rest of it into a braided bun. I opened the windows, as I felt a breeze, swaying the trees in the forest. It felt pleasant on my face.

I simply dressed in a white turtleneck, a corset and black pants. I simply wanted to feel the ponds on my own two feet, so why bother to put on my sandals? And of course, my white beret. 

"Ah, good morning Mikuri!" The Red Floette drifted itself toward me.

"We were just cleaning the house! We apologize if it disturbed you." The White Floette nervously nodded.

"Mikuri, huh? Even if it's my Sootopolian name, I'll simply play along with this, like I always do with Lisi.." I shrugged it off, and offered my kindness to the Flower Pokemon, by sweeping away some dust on the table. The little Blue Floette peeped her head behind my braided bun, and I simply let it place a few 'flowering adornments.'

"Blue, you can't just add it to him without consent!" the Red Floette expression shifted to a petty one.

"Oh no no, it's alright Auntie-" I stopped myself before anything embarrassing happened.

"Did I just call the Floette A-Auntie? Wait.. agh, I'll simply ignore it..Just, stay cool and play along Wallace.."

As I was about to say goodbye,I rearranged the light blue flowers on my head down to the sides of my ears. The three seemed to be busy with a discussion, I didn't want to snitch on them, at least, not now. I simply exited the cottage, letting the fae do whatever they were doing.

The three pokemon asked if I could get more berries from the forest, I reluctantly nodded and went outside the cottage, telling me to be careful and not talking to strangers, all that.

Once I felt the refreshing sun rays on my skin, I let my body be free, running and frolicking through the grass, letting my hair feel the wind once more. I felt happy, childish even, especially once I splashed in the river's waters. Even if Milotic isn't here with me in this realm, it still reminds me of their presence. I laughed and danced around, spinning elegantly, as if I was doing a performance to myself. I heard a rustle in the bushes,  only to realize that a Hoothoot flew out of it, and perched itself on a branch that was close to me. 

"Oh? What are you doing here, little one?" I asked the Owl pokemon, only for it to cock its head, looking at me in a dazed state. It looked up at the tree that it was on, knowing that I needed berries. A Tailow flies above it, plucking the round blue Oran berries, and falling to the ground, to which I delicately pick them up and settling it in the wooden basket.

"Huh, so this is how it felt as a princess, or a prince.. honestly, I didn't know why she was happy until now.. the feeling of the rays on your skin, walking on the soft grass, and even with friendly pokemon too."

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