{Chapter 13 - Finale}

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{Author's Note: Here we are! I just wanna say before we start , thank you so very much for all the votes here on this, and enjoy the last chapter of Two Princes.}

{Steven Stone's POV}

An afternoon in Slateport City, in a somewhat cold and rainy weather. Rain that poured down from soft, blurred skies, as if the gods above cried their heart out, or it was just me.

As I walked to where I wanted to go, I looked back at those... oddly realistic dreams I had. "What happened, was the kingdom, the witches, and the curse, all real?"

The only thing that haunts me is that, I actually watched someone die, and it was too late. Even worse is that I loved him, Wallace, the river prince. There are these myths that if you see your soulmate in a dream, then it was reality, but i'm not one to believe in soulmates, nor myths. The only myths I believe are about the Pokemon.

But back to that person, as soon as I met him there, I felt a spark, a connection, this... feeling that I should be with him. The way he spoke with a light and airy tone, the way he ran his delicate yet masculine fingers through his soft teal hair, and even that shine in his eyes, that seemed like a malachite.  And when I found out he had the curse... I broke down inside. I wanted to bring him back, wished he never died, but the dream had to continue.

By the time I was at the cafe entrance, the warm lit lanterns hit my face, welled up with tears. I look at the frosted glass that masked the inside of the place, with chairs, flora decoration, people and pokemon and- a familiar silhouette...?

I had to see if it was really him.

"Good morning sir, a table for one?" The waitress smiled and greeted at me.

"No thank you, I'll be sitting with someone, they're already here." I politely bow and shifted my gaze to that person. The waitress waved back.

I quickly approached the man with the white beret, keeping my tone, and feelings, to myself, nearly tripping and embarrassing myself in the process, good thing no one else saw that.

"Excuse me sir, mind if I share this table with you?"

"Hm, oh! Sure, I'd be glad to share it with someone else." He moved a bit so I can take a seat.

A girl walked by, with teal hair like his that was tied into a ponytail, a light blue hoodie with white cotton sleeves, bringing a cup of latte and a slice of a strawberry shortcake.

"Uncle! I brought the things we ordered, and who's he?" Her face was lit up with excitement, beaming even more when she turned to my way.

"Ah, well, this is a friend of mine... what's your name by the way? How I must be so rude to not introduce myself..." The man kept his composure, but I can clearly see he felt a bit of nervousness.

"Well, I'm Steven Stone, pleased to meet you-"

"It's me."

"What? What do you mean by that?"

He chuckled for a moment, softly gazing at me, "You remember, right? It's me, the prince you never got to save."

My eyes lit up as it felt like my life from that other world was flashing through my eyes, the dances, the talks near the rivers, I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I softly cried it out.

"I miss you so much, Wallace..."

He got up from his seat and embraced me. "I miss you too, prince Steven.."

He wrapped his arms around me, and that odd, aching, unwavering feeling in my heart relieved,  my emotions letting out felt calm, and I wanted to feel like I didn't want to let go, not wanting to lose him, but I know I won't lose him again, not ever. On a rainy night like this,  there were two princes, who met eachother in a dream.

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