{Chapter 7 - Kingdom Dance}

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{Steven's POV}

"Let the ballroom dance begin." I announced to the many trainers readying to dance on the ballroom, and the people started to follow. The gentlemen bowed to the ladies, and they started twirling around. Not all of them danced of course, just the guests and their pokemon that wanted to. I turned to the teal-haired man in the dress and bowed to him, reaching his hand. "May I have this dance once more? No interruptions this time."The other man gave a beaming smile, and we both started to hold onto each other's hands, staring deep into the other man's eyes too.

"Alright, do you remember the steps, Prince Steven?"

"Of course I have, I've been practicing for this moment, oh mysterious princess."

"I told you I'm not a princess."

"Haha, alright, now let's truly begin this dance..."

{Zinnia's POV}

"Master, look, over there! There he is, the Prince of Hoenn, along with someone else, too!" I tugged my master's long and puffy sapphire coat to get her attention.

"The Prince of Hoenn right? Seemingly dancing with a princess.. do you know anything about the sea foam-haired girl he's dancing with, dear Zinnia?" Dear Master's tone was cold yet sweet, like a bittersweet berry.

"Actually Master, he's dancing with a prince. I told the silver-haired prince about the cursed royal, and he couldn't even say it to the river man's face! Isn't it exciting, Master?" I was fired up, burning with passion to see how well are these two, seeing that Master turned her head to me.

"Hm, the prince's aura feels too familiar to me, graceful, majestic and overall dramatic is how I explain them." I nearly spat out my Oran Berry juice.

"Wait, familiar? What do you mean Master?"

"Hm, I'll find out myself once I get to know more about this 'prince' he's with. Anywho, you can go dance on the ballroom over there, Zinnia. Maybe even get more intel for me."

"Really Master Li-"

"Shhhhh, as long as you don't say my name and reveal it to everyone. I'll go and come along later, like I always do... Zinnia." She gave that pointed smile and winks, and simply continues standing there, with her swirly hair and all. Sometimes I question why I'm her eyes and wings sometimes..

{Wallace's POV}

We felt the music go faster, as my eye catches wind of the other participants' forms of dancing go from the mellow feeling to a livelier one, as the excitement feels too good to be true here.. "But wasn't this just a fantasy? No, not the time to think if it's reality, I'm dancing with someone, and he seems a little klutzy." I softly laughed from my thoughts.

"Alright Steven, the ballroom music is getting faster... can you keep up with my rhythm and pacing?" 

"Yeah, yeah I can." His eyes glared, hesitantly, as we were both holding each others arms, closely embracing, feeling the oddly warm temperature, intertwining our fingers.

"As long as you keep looking into my eyes, it'll be dazzling." I comforted him, caressing his cheek for a brief moment, he gives me a sigh of relief.

"I'll do it, Wallace." He nodded, finally he agreed with me.

Clapping and jeers can be heard from behind, and the ballroom had some sort of arrangement in a rippling, circling motion, as best as I can describe it. We both moved our feet to each chant and beat, putting out our hearts into this, with each flickering motion of my wrist, and the changing positions, it felt like the waves through a strong storm. Such fierceness and amazingly hot passion, thundering loudly, yet elegant and charming, in a way.

The cheering became louder, and the number of people dancing dwindled, until it was just the two of us.. It felt embarrassing, yet I pushed forward, jumping high, letting my own body flow like the ravaging seas, while still keeping the prince afloat, I grabbed his left arm and pulled him toward me, changing where my right hand was to my waist. Until I let go, and finished it.

Everyone was clapping and cheering at us, quite a show we pulled off.

"Wow that was amazing!" Zinnia came toward us, and Steven simply nodded in response, seemingly lost his breath from the whole dance. "So Wallace, you want to meet my master? She's really eager in meeting you, too." The obsidian haired enchantress grabbed my arm and pulled me to where the long and exquisite banquet was.

Zinnia finally halted and let go of my arm, facing a young woman with a long sapphire coat, a sparking silver dress underneath. hair that was like the seafoam green of the beach tides, and slightly shorter than Zinnia and I. To be honest, I thought she'd be taller, until I realize who this was...

"Ah, greetings Zinni-"

"Lisia." I blurted out, not realizing I was disrespectful. Zinnia looked a little mad at me, yet the master bursted out laughing.

"Ahaha! I couldn't believe you actually know me! How interesting.."

"Yeah.. I-I heard of you from the kingdom.." A lie that slipped through my tongue, keeping my heartbeat the same..

But after a few more conversations, and snacking on the oh so sweet desserts, I eventually headed out of the kingdom. I did enjoy it, a whole lot more than I expected, yet there is lingering feeling of mystery and a sense of wonder in me, leaving me wanting to ask more. Especially with what Prince Steven was concerned about; the cursed royal.

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