{Chapter 8 - Pierre}

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{Steven's POV}

The ballroom party soon came to a close. All of the nobles and royals rode their carriages and their pokemon, riding along with the amazing view of the stars shining in the night. I was never one with astrology, it sounds interesting getting to write and mention the stars, celestial bodies made from heat and dust, but I am more akin to geology. The study of gemstones, minerals, and everything in between, the way on how perfect each one of it is, each cut, each facet, each shade of that particular stone. Both astrology and geology have differences and similarities, too, that's why I chose it as a hobby.

"Stars light up the dimmest and most clouded skies, but the crystals light up the most pitch black and sharpest of caves. Can I be a prince that will light up a royal's wretched and broken void?" I asked myself, looking at the window's reflection, showing that perfect Prince Steven, the one that everyone swoons over.

"Gosh, I'd wish. I'd wish on every star to find that one in a million for me, whether they are real or not." I nodded, replying to my own silly little ramble.

I walked up the winding stairs leading to my quarters doorstep, eventually taking my cloak off. I swung the door open, revealing my luxurious room, as one might say. It's just a large room, filled with intricate stones that I've collected, a wardrobe for my suits, and a desk where I write my letters. The rest of the space is where my cozy bed is. I simply walked over to where the balcony was, laying the lovely cloak on my bedside, and sighed in a relief.

"This is quite wonderful isn't it?" A voice calls from behind, it was that red enchantress again, Zinnia.

"Yes, it was quite wonderful, never had that much fun in a long time.. By the way, how did you get here?"

"It's simply a touch of magic.. how was that dance with the river prince, Wallace?"

"Ah, that... I feel each time we continue to meet up in the forest, my bond with him grows.. kind of like the bond of a pokemon's, or even Mega Evolution, to an extent, if you understand what I am talking about, dear apprentice."

"I understand that kind of special bond. And since I told you about the fact that he's the unfortunate one with the curse, I wonder how you'll react to such a devastating fate! You must be willing to do everything, right?"

"I haven't thought of that-"

"Well, you have to make it count! He doesn't know yet, and I got your tongue tied you it won't slip out of my master's spell either! That will make it better for both of you princes."

I was stunned, backing away from what she said, shifting my eyes to the large window reflection of myself, wearing my dark vest, silver rings on those dainty fingers, and the crown of the Hoenn region, showing off my royal status.

I look back at the apprentice witch Zinnia, who glared with a smirk.

"Why so cold, prince? Cold as the diamonds your hands hold?"

"Nothing at all. It's just the mixed feelings that I felt at that dance earlier.. I know he was in this sort of 'disguise', but he nailed that one. A-and it seemed he enjoyed the pleasure dancing with me, despite my skills. Gah, Zinnia, do you happen to know why am I so... puzzled by this?" I questioned everything that has happened so far.

"You said it yourself, Prince Steven. It was a special bond, similar to mega evolution." She paused, approaching me.

"I believe more spectacular and bedazzling events will be happening, as my master says." She smile, and disappeared.

{A/N: School will be starting again for me, so the next few chapters will have a delay! Hope it's alright}

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