Years Down the Road

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It had been a few years since you fell down and everyone had accepted you as a part of their daily lives. You were one of them now. Alphys was happy for your and Paps relationship, as was Grillby and Gaster who now worked together in the Lab with Sans as an assistant when Gaster wasn't ferrying monsters around. Eventually you even got over your fear of spiders and met Muffet, who Papyrus made sure wouldn't harm you and Undyne and even the Queen herself. After finding out you were Papyrus soulmate, She had no choice but to leave you alone and the barrier remained unopened. About a year after Soul Synchronizing you let Papyrus mark you as his mate. You'd gotten a job at the Arcade to help Sans and Papyrus with the bills. Later that year, you'd taken on a second job as well. Parenthood. You and Papyrus had become parents to a little girl named [C/N] after he'd went into a rut. She was both human and skeleton, with human features from the waist up and skeleton features from the hips down. She had pretty [H/L] [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes with yellow slit pupils, claws and sharp fangs on her fingers and in her mouth, skeletal canid paws, and a tail to match.

[C/N] was three years old now and was going with you and Papyrus to is station to play in the snow while he 'worked'. You had the day off yourself so you decided that you'd wanted to go with as well and spend time with your family. "glad ya could come with today, we get lonely without ya." Papyrus leaned his head onto your shoulder, making you silently giggle. "Miss time with you and little [C/N]? I could never!" You pecked his cheekbone and ruffled [C/N]'s hair, which was met with immediate conplaint. "Mommy, daddy worked hard on my hair!" She squeaked, trying to save Papyrus 'masterpiece'. You giggled again, but mercied her. You nudged Papyrus so he could see you sign. "Why don't you ever do my hair?" You teased, making him smirk. "i don't know, how about because you complain when i touch it?" You mock gasped and pushed him lightly, making your mate and daughter alike laugh as Pap's station finally came into view.

You and [C/N] built a snow family as Papyrus snored away at his station. You tapped your daughter on her shoulder. "You should get your daddy to join us. If he doesn't, you have full permission to fill the hood of his hoodie with snow." [C/N] grinned mischievously and dashed over to her daddy. You took the moment to stretch out and look around at the beautiful scenery, only to see a figure in the distance. Were... were they approaching you? You took an uneasy step back. "sugar?" Papyrus felt your mood instantly. "Someone is coming." You signed in explanation. "come over here with [C/N], i'll see who it is." You walked over and grabbed your daughter's hand, waiting as Papyrus teleported away. You bit your lip as you wondered if it was that child, Chara, who had finally come to liberate the monsters. "It is, are you ready to go back..?" You heard Frisk ask with slight hesitance. You had a good life here, a daughter, a mate, a job. You wanted to keep that, but what if Kane wasn't looking for you anymore? It's been literal YEARS! Were you ready to go back?



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