Nice Cream? No it's Ice Cream Kiddo

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"ya know... just give me a sec. stay here." You nodded and stepped back, giving him the space for his to teleport out. You quirked a curious brow as waited, but soon he was back and with an extra package. Your smile widened. "Noodle, you're a mad genius!" You signed as [C/N] ran over to you and wrapped her arms around you in a hug. You picked her up, snuggling into her and giving her Eskimo kisses. "now i know we are ready. my lady~?" Papyrus held out a hand in which you took. In seconds you were in front of that Ice Cream shop, grinning up at it eagerly. [C/N] was gonna have a blast here. Your mate opened the door for you as you put [C/N] down, following her inside as she booked it screaming "NICE CREAMMMMM!!!!!" It had you both chuckling at her cuteness. "on the surface it's called ice cream, kiddo." Papyrus corrected her gently. The poor shopkeep was staring at Papyrus in shock and awe. You both pointed at the eager child pressed up against the glass as she skimmed the flavors. "O-oh right, um... what would you like, little girl?"

You all got your preferred ice creams and imagine the keeps surprise upon realizing [C/N] was a three year old hybrid. Apparently he hadn't been able to see her legs or tail from his position behind the counter when you all were ordering but now that you were finding seating, he could see your family in its full glory. He gawked, unable to believe it as you stayed to pay. You wrote him a note as you passed a piece of G to him. "Better get used to it man, monsters are coming and this place will be a delicious goldmine~" After you joined them at the spot they choose out. "Nice Cream~ Nice Cream~ I love Nice Cream~" You chuckled as Papyrus reminded her once again that it was called Ice Cream. You didn't particularly care, she would get it eventually. "it's kinda nice to be on the surface again. maybe this time we can travel or something, stay far away from here." A smile twitched at your lips. "Might be a bit before that happens. News of monsters has to spread first. Don't want them trying to hurt you or something." Papyrus shrugged. "guess you got a point..."

[C/N] made a mess of her face to which you were trying to wipe off before you headed home. For now, monsters would be stuck in Ebbot while the state, the country, and the world figured out what to do with them. It excited you that they at least had some freedom. You'd made them wait so long... there was a reason for that though. You couldn't be found, you couldn't be taken away- a hand took yours, pulling you out of your ever darkening thoughts. "i won't let that happen, [Y/N], you know i'll always fight for you and [C/N]." How did he- oh right, mind link thing. You gave him a smile, knowing that every word he said was true. You'd be safe with him. With Sans. With Gaster. The Skeletons, hell, the entire Underground would protect you with their lives. You had to remember that. "dang right you do." Papyrus agreed as he picked up [C/N]. You chuckled your silent chuckle as you all left the shop to go home for the day.

Skip the long boring legal bit?

Continue through the laws and rights and such?

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