Two and a Half Humans

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'Yes.' You replied to Frisk. 'Let's finally save the monsters.' "this timeline isn't like others before it, kid. you should seriously prepare for just how much it changed. how much i've changed." You heard your mate saying. Frisk had been right in saying they were almost doppelgangers. Chara's skin was paler, and their hair lighter. There eyes took on a slightly reddish hue, and their sweater was green and yellow, but other than those differences, they looked exactly the same. "Uh, Papy, you're kinda scaring me... what's changed. "... well first." Papyrus gestured to you after they'd drawn close enough. You gulped, smiled and gave a small wave. Chara's jaw dropped. "No WAY! ANOTHER HUMAN?!" You grinned and shrugged. "that's [Y/N]... my mate." Chara whipped around on Papyrus. "WHAAAAAAAT?!" They screeched. You had to cover poor [C/N]'s sensitive ears while Papyrus covered his. "like i said, changed. [Y/N] there is my soulmate. but that's not the only thing. [C/N]!" Upon her name being called, [C/N] made a mad dash for her daddy, tripping over her tail in the process. "oh boy-" You and Papyrus rushed to check on her, only for her to grin up at you both. Chara was in complete shock.

"A kid..." Chara muttered from behind you as you all walked home. "You have a half human kid... literally two and a half humans down here.." You couldn't help put laugh at them, it was just to funny. Not that anyone could hear you anyway, but still. "Hey Papyrus, [Y/N], [C/N]!" Monsters of all sorts greeted as you walked into town. "And they know her... treat her like a longtime friend.." Chara muttered in shock. "as they should, she's been down here for three years." Papyrus mused to the teenager. "dang kid, ya know, i think you're taller than sans now. it's been three years so that'd make you about fifteenish, right?" They nodded as they realized they'd technically changed too. He opened the door to the house, letting you all in first. You helped [C/N] take her coat off before she could run off and was stopped once her grandfather got in the way. "Oh, you think you can get away without a hug?" Chara froze in complete and utter shock as Gaster got the hug he was wanting. "GREY DOOR MAN?! WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS ABSENT?!"

"OUR DEAR [Y/N] TOOK YOUR PLACE, OF COURSE!" Sans chirped, having just come in from recalibrating puzzles. Chara's eyes wandered to you. "WE'RE NOT REALLY SURE WHY, BUT SHE FELL INSTEAD OF YOU. HAS THE RESET ABILITY AND EVERYTHING. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE THOUGH WAS THAT SHE IS PAPYRUS SOULMATE, WHICH COMPLETELY ALTERED THIS TIMELINE BRINGING ON CHANGES THAT NEVER HAPPENED DURING YOUR RESETS, FROM OUR FATHER BEING FREED FROM THE VOID, TO TRAPPING THE PLAYER AWAY FOREVER, TO THE EXISTENCE OF [C/N] AND MOST MONSTERS BEING OK WITH LIVING UNDERGROUND." Sans explained as he went to get his own hug from his niece. "... the player is.." Chara plopped themselves on the couch, burying their face with their hands. "This is all so much.." It looked to you like they needed some serious comfort.

Comfort them through a hug?

Start up a conversation? (Via notebook, they don't know Wingdings)

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