The Big Wide City

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You felt a sense of urgency, hoping it would get Papyrus attention and have him come to you. "Uh... what are you doing?" Chara asked to which Papyrus answered... kinda. "hey what's wrong, what happened, are you ok?!" He blinked at the sun's glare. "is.... that's the sun... you three actually did it!" Papyrus tail wagged as he looked out, feeling the breeze and realizing... that he could actually enjoy it this time. You had the reset ability and you weren't going to use it. He inhaled the fresh air that came from the outside. "you wanted to show me this?" Papyrus asked as he looked at you. "I wanted you to be the one to come with me to introduce your species back into the world." You corrected. "The view is just a special perk." You smirked as he stared at you in surprise. "me? aren't there, uh, better choices? like the queen or even asriel?" You shrugged. "Who better to go down with than my mate/ The Royal Judge~" You practically sing songed in sign. How you did was a complete mystery to Papyrus, but it was almost like he could actually hear your voice...

Hand in hand you and Papyrus started down the mountain while Chara and Asriel went to the Queen to explain what was going on. You could feel Papyrus nervousness and reluctance to meet the humans and he could probably feel yours. "we're just as bad as each other, eh?" Papyrus muttered to which you gave an apologetic smile. "nah, i get why you're nervous, i'm not really sure why i am, i've been through this a hundred times.." You patted his had with your free one in silent reassurance. He smiled back, feeling a little better than before. You both picked your way down the rest of the mountain, the dense woods surrounding it making it seem longer. With Pap's keen sense of smell, you never got lost. Finally you broke out of the forests cover and into an urban neighborhood. You tried to make yourself look as bold as possible as you gently tugged Papyrus along across the street and onto the sidewalk. Anyone who was outside, froze, staring at you and Papyrus. Papyrus played his nonchalance card, acting like he didn't care, but you felt his increasing anxiety and sqeezed his hand to remind him that you were there.

The two of you paraded the streets as you made it to the to the actual city part of the city. Papyrus took the lead then, knowing the city better than you. You hadn't been here since before Kane. People continued to stare, causing Papyrus to quicken his pace as you semi jogged along to keep up with his long legs. You tried to catch his attention to get him to slow down without making a scene, but it was getting difficult over how loud his insecurities were getting. You could practically hear his thoughts. "what if the glitch changed the surface? what if they don't accept us? what if they try and hurt me? hurt [Y/N]?" You... could hear his thoughts... this was certainly new and something that would have to be looked into later. "PAPYRUS SLOW DOWN, I CAN'T KEEP UP!" You yelled into his head, causing him to freeze completely as you panted for breath. "[Y-Y/N]...? w-was that your voice...? in my head...?" You gave a nod. "I think it might be the soulbond? Or something like that, but I can hear your thoughts." He turned to you with tears in his sockets. "your voice is even prettier than i imagined.." You blushed, looking away bashfully. "D-do you wanna go somewhere to calm down, or should we keep going?"

Ice Cream Shop?


Town Hall?

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