Indirect Hurt

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You both ended up outside on a terrace to talk when Papyrus words kinda just... spilled out. "the mayor wants me to co-find a monster protection sector within the city." You paused and stared at him a moment, trying to process what he was saying. Then you smiled and took his clawed hands. "Hey, that's great, Papyrus! This means you can deal with any feral incidents without anyone getting hurt! You would have people trained for this sort of thing! Not to mention you would be on the forefront of any cases like [C/N]'s or anything else that goes bad as we get the ball rolling-" Papyrus traced shapes into your hand with a gentle claw as he leaned more into you. "you think so..? what if it takes all my time from you and [C/N]..?" You leaned into him in return, so you were both supporting each other. "You were the Judge, Noodle, I'm certain you can figure out how to manage your home time and work time... besides, I'll always be here to help..." Papyrus chuckled softly and nuzzled into your hair. "greeeeeat, more work." He joked softly before frowning. "what about you? you wanted to talk too?"

You bit your lip. Your suggestion didn't feel like as good a thing as your soulmate's. In fact, it felt like a mood killer... but it was something necessary. You could see Papyrus glancing towards the window, and you could feel the tension in his shoulders. "Are we so scared to lose [C/N] that we can't trust your dad or Sans?" Papyrus froze up, his sockets going wide as he reeled away from you. "w-wha? i trust them!" You shook your head, tempted to look at the floor, not see the hurt confusion in his sockets. "You say that, and yet you can't stop looking at the door. Your body is wound up like a coil. I... don't trust them either Pap, and I hate that I don't..." Papyrus swallowed thickly and a tiny curious part of you wondered how even after all these years. You shoved it down to give Papyrus your full attention. "w-what are you saying..." He asked, a little more harsh than he meant to be. You flinched back, but didn't flee. "Therapy. Family therapy. And to talk to them about... this. I'm sure they would understand our side..." Papyrus growled at the situation and he walked away, leaving you on the terrace alone.

It wasn't the most ideal situation, but sometimes he just needed time to maul it over. Knowing that it was Sans he was most worried about, you decided that you would face him first, alone. That way the heat would solely be on you. You brought him out to the terrace to talk. "Sans, you know I'll never blame you for what happened, right? It was just an unlucky day for everyone..." You started slowly, and Sans's tail lowered. "But... It Was My Fault..." You shook your head no firmly. "It really wasn't. You couldn't have ever known." You hugged Sans close. "I know you would never intentionally hurt her... but... because of the accident, Papyrus and I have gotten paranoid..." You whispered softly. "Not because of you or Nabstaton, but because of Kane. I think... we could all benefit from family therapy, so that we can all process how Kane had indirectly hurt everyone..." Sans didn't say anything, but rather, he nodded into your shoulder. Papyrus, being Papyrus had managed to join you soundlessly and hugged the both of you, soft praise and reassurance going to the both of you... all three of you knew it. Everything would be ok.

And another one bites the dust, lol. I think you know what happens from here, healing finally begins, Papyrus opens up some Monster Protection Agency or another, and happily ever after. The M.P.A is actually a tie back to an old book of mine, Secrets. I was so proud of it at the time because it had been the longest thing I'd ever written. Of course, that's most certainly changed since. Anyways, I'll stop babbling on, I hope you enjoyed this! Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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