Down With the Barrier

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"We'll be back, don't forget to lay [C/N] down in-"
"in an hour, i know. be careful out there." You nodded, beaming at Papyrus. "You'll know if I'm in trouble noodle, I'll be just fine~" With Papyrus now blushing and quiet himself, you grabbed your notebook and a pen before heading out with Chara. "So you can hear Frisk?" They asked. You nodded and started writing, showing it Chara once you were done. "Frisk's been with me the entire time I was down here. Even offered to use their soul to break the barrier. I just couldn't go through with it." Chara peered at you from behind the notebook. "Why not? Does it have anything to do with your mutism?" Stars this kid was curious, weren't they? With a silent sigh, you started writing again. Once more you revealed your words to Chara. "Yes and no. It's not something I like to talk about really." You entered Waterfall with no problem, even waving to the once horrifying spider woman as you did so. "Another human, deary?" The Captian looked ready to attack, leaving you to scribble down something quickly.
"I'm taking them to break the barrier now!" Muffet smiled. "In that case, have fun deary~"

Said hi to Undyne and got some discounted Japanese cuisine from her. It was only discounted because you 'captured' Chara. Said hi to Grillby too as he was on his way to Snowdin to 'meet a friend'. You would've cackled like a mad woman if you could've. "Should I start calling you dad too, Grillby~?" The monsters flames turned red with blush. Chara started to laugh, embarrassing the monster further. You started to lead them away, waving goodbye to him. "Grey door man and Grillby are a couple?" You started writing and showed it. "Paps and I believe they are soulmates, but they've been dancing around the subject so it's not definitive." You explained. "Ah.. wait, if they are avoiding the subject, isn't that definitive proof in itself? You shrugged. "What happened to Tem?" You quirked a brow. You never met 'Tem'. "Who?" You wrote. "You never- count yourself lucky then. I'll bet he's following us now. He always follows me..." Tem shouldn't be a problem. He'll be more of an asset than anything. 'Why's that?' I've been talking to him as well, trust me. You and Chara both nodded.

The Queen was humming a small tune when you entered the throne room. You knocked on the doorframe to catch her attention, message already at the ready. "Good afternoon your majesty, could I go to the barrier?" Chara was hiding behind the doorway, per your request. "I don't see why not." She continued to water the plants, ignorant of you sneaking Chara over to the other room. "There it is... how are gonna do this?" Chara asked. "We didn't grab the other souls." A voice scoffed from behind you both. "I'm going to do it obviously." You looked over and down to see a little cat? Dog? Monster with six souls floating around him. "You idiot." He turned his beady gaze to you. "And you... how did I not know you were here?!" You shrugged as Frisk answered for you. [Y/N] never went through the Ruins, Papyrus picked her up after they sealed off the Player and reset. A soul appeared and hovered over to Tem as you assumed he was. This is goodbye. You and Chara stepped aside as Tem absorbed the souls, transforming into a goat. The monster glanced at you before there was a flash of light and the barrier shattered.

Bring a group of monsters to meet the humans?

Bring one monster to meet the humans?

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