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Dizzy. She was dizzy. It was hard to move. She didn't know any better, being as young as she was, but the IVs running from her arm and her soul were what was causing her to feel this way. But she was helping people, or so the man said. She didn't like the man, but if she went against him, he said he would hurt more people. She didn't want anyone to hurt. Thus, she listened and obeyed the mean man, even when it made her tired. He wouldn't let her sleep after, despite the drowsiness that threatened to consume her whole. No, he would wait a few hours after disconnecting her from the IVs, then he would feed her before waiting a few more hours to allow her to rest. Then, after getting five or so hours of sleep, she would be fed again, and the cycle would start anew, with only two days where they would leave her to replenish her magic and blood so that she really wouldn't die. During those days, she would just lay on a cot and sleep, rarely waking up to eat or drink. She was simply too tired to.

It started on one of those days. She woke up shouting. Her mind was too foggy to really think about it. She simply tried to go back to sleep. It was short-lived as someone burst into her temporary sleeping space and unceremoniously slung her over their shoulders like a sack of potatoes. She merely whined quietly and tried to get comfortable and go back to sleep. She kept getting jostled around, keeping her awake. She watched people tackle other people, and others ran away. She cried out as whoever grabbed her was tackled as well, and she was thrown off. She whined and curled up, grabbing the area she landed on. She struggled to pick herself up, trying to find the way away from all the people. Suddenly, she saw him, rushing towards her. "D-daddy..!" Papyrus weaved around all the people, trying to get to her and catch her before she could fall over. His arms encircled her and picked her up as he embraced her and kissed her hair and gave her all the love he could. Finally, they were reunited... "I missed you..." She rasped, leaning against his shoulder.

Papyrus POV

He could tell that his baby girl was in bad shape. He needed to get her out of here and to a hospital and quick. They didn't know where Kane was, but he was bound to be near if he had this many big shot criminals here in his base. They were in a hotel. That's where the base had been. It looked brand new, and yet apparently, it had been shut down for a few years now. He kicked open the back door, seeing as it wouldn't have so many people going in and hit happened to be facing the side where the closest hospital was. He would let the police know where he went when his kid was safe and stable, but she was his top priority right now. That's all that mattered to him. He rushed down the alley to get some sort of taxi or something, but the click stopped him short. This guy really was a step ahead, huh? "Give me the girl, monster." Kane demanded. He wouldn't. He refused. He wasn't ever letting her go again, and he wasn't going to let Kane kill him either.

Run for help?

Call for help?

Fight him?

Vigilance (Protective Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now