The Woman that can't Speak

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Have experience with children, or a child at least, you figured a hug was in order. You crouched in front of them, leaning forward to hug them. They froze a moment in your arms before hugging you back. "Mommy." You and Chara both glanced down at the hybrid child. "Is they sad?" You nodded quickly. To which [C/N] climbed the couch and hugged Chara from behind. From your peripheral vision, you saw Papyrus take out his phone and start snapping pictures. "aw, that's cute. my girls doing one of their many talents." The other two chuckled while you rolled your eyes in amusement. "I WILL START DINNER. NO DOUBT [C/N] WILL BE HUNGRY SOON." You slowly pulled away from Chara and gave them a smile, causing them to frown as you followed Sans into the kitchen to help him prep. "I just noticed... she hasn't said a word.. is she shy or something? Or does she not like talking to strangers since she was so fine with hugging me?" Gaster and Papyrus exchanged looks. "oh right, that.." Papyrus muttered. He was used to speaking to her with Wingdings so he'd somewhat forgotten that she couldn't actually speak.

"'Cause she can't. Mommy talks in hands. Like this." [C/N] explained as she sat beside Chara with her paws hanging off the couch. Chara blinked, looking to Papyrus for further explanation. "Why can't she talk? Is she deaf or mute?"
"mute. she got into an accident on the surface." Papyrus replied vaguely. He knew how [Y/N] felt about her scars. He'd been trying to get her to feel better about them, but some days it was a loosing battle. "Oh. Sorry." Papyrus shrugged. "it's fine. as my daughter said, she can speak in sign language."
"She also carries a notebook around with her when she knows she's heading out so she can communicate with everyone around the town and outside it!" Gaster continued. "Quite clever really, it was the way she spoke before she met us." Chara hummed. "Yeah, I guess. So... does that mean I won't get any trouble heading to the Castle then if everyone is accepting of humans now?" Papyrus shrugged. "oh i'm sure you'll find some trouble, it is you after all." Papyrus teased. Chara scowled, before hearing a familiar voice. Welcome back Chara! 'Hey Frisk, nice to hear  you again.'

'So wait, you're talking to me and Chara at the same time?' You mentally asked as you cut up Stuffed Hotdogs for your daughter. "What's that?" Chara asked as she eyed the cut in half hotdogs with mashed potatoes and cheese on top. 'Tell Chara they are called stuffed hotdogs.' Geez, what am I, your translator? 'That WOULD be nice.' You mused as Papyrus passed the plate off to [C/N] where she started to immediately make a mess of the meal like toddlers do. You looked to the others as they plated themselves, Gaster going on about how he loved such a simple meal and how he needed the recipe... there was no recipe per say, but you left him be, finally looking to a startled Chara. No doubt Frisk had relayed your message. You gestured to the plates and the pans of stuffed hotdogs. "O-oh right! Thank you-" They went to serve themselves before you served yourself. 'Can you tell them that I'll walk them to the Castle after lunch?' Oh so it's like this now.. Frisk grumbled. "How are you guys enjoying one of your last meals in the Underground?" You asked.

Here we go, one more chapter in the Underground. You ready to move on?



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