Post Trauma

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You spent the next few days leading up to the hearing and the rally with your daughter. Day by day, she was getting better, and it wouldn't be long before she could come home, much to your relief. She met with her therapist for the first time today. They seemed to hit it off immediately, which was good for [C/N]. You wanted her to like the people she'd be getting better with. Today, you let her read you a story out of one of the early learning books the hospital owned. The story was utter nonsense. She merely trailed her finger along the page and said what she thought it said, but that was fine by you. She was still young and learning. You would teach her another time. "That was such a good story! I especially liked the part where the frog rode the crown into outer space." You praised here and rubbed her little head, and she giggled and hugged you back, nuzzling into you. You released a soft, contented sigh, happy that she was safe in your arms... perhaps you should do family therapy... Papyrus came in with [C/N]'s toy for her to play with as he always had before.

The day of the trial came, and with it came anger, anxiety, and a sense of justice. Finally, Kane would get what he rightly deserved. Papyrus came with, as the father of [C/N], and Sans and Nabstaton were also their seeing as it was them that she was with when she was taken. Nabstaton was telling the story now, not missing a detail despite his... dramatic flair... still, though, you never really realized how affected the robotic star had been... his emotions were genuine, even with the drama of it all. You wanted to talk to him... after this. Then suddenly, it was your turn for questioning. Kane started to pale when you came up. He recognized you. "You're the mother of [C/N], correct?" You were quick to nod. "Yes sir, I'm [Y/N] Gaster, formerly known as [Y/N] [L/N]." Oh, Kane was squirming now, you noticed. "And is it true that you were adopted by Kane Carron after a car accident, fatally killing your parents?" Nou nodded again. "Yes. He took me in... but..." The prosecutor paused. "Hold nothing back. We are here to find justice." You told them the story of your life before the Underground. Kane was found guilty.

By the day of the rally, [C/N] was out of the hospital, meaning she could come with. You didn't let her out of your sight, though, not even for a second as she ran around, finally free, and ate sweets from off the tables. You were genuinely considering family therapy now. You felt that she'd disappear again if you looked away, and you knew it wasn't good for you or [C/N]. Papyrus either, who growled at anyone who came near her. Gaster and Sans both offered to take a shift watching her, you wanted to accept so you and Papyrus could relax... but how do you relax when at any moment she could disappear? It was a dilemma, and the fact that you couldn't trust your own family broke your heart. That was why you forced yourself to accept their offer anyway to find Papyrus and discuss it with him. You weren't sure when the Mayor had pulled him away from protective dad duty and it made you all the more scared for [C/N], but you had to trust nothing like that would happen again. "Paps." Papyrus looked alarmed. "where's-" You cut him off mentally. "Safe with family... we need to talk." Papyrus looked around and excused himself from the mayor. "i gotta talk to ya too..."

Who should go first?



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