Town Hall

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Papyrus pecked your lips and pulled you a little closer so himself to wrap an arm around you. "let's just get this done and over with. hearing your pretty little voice was more than enough." You smiled as you both started down the sidewalk to the Town Hall. In a matter of minutes, you were at its doors. "Ready?" You asked Papyrus. He nodded. "yep. won't be as ready as i am now." He was still nervous, you could see it in his sockets, but he was willing to go in. You nodded and he opened the door to let you inside. The place looked nice, marble floor, wooden walls, décor from past mayors and government officials. There had been people milling about, but now they were all frozen in place. "could one of you please direct us to the mayor's office? please?" Papyrus requested as you wriggled out of his grip, smiling at him in reassurance. He didn't do anything bad, you just didn't want other people thinking that he was. "O-oh yeah, uh, come on, this way." Someone spoke up, mustering up the courage to lead you both in the right direction. You didn't blame her for being a little freaked out.

 The mayor had been muttering about how to increase job production when you came in. "Mayor Kirman, a couple is here to see you." The lady who lead you there said. "Tell them I'm busy, because I am." The woman sweat dropped. "You're really gonna want to see these two." Mayor Kirman's head shot up. "JAS-" Her voice cut out upon seeing seeing Papyrus and yourself. You were already scribbling down what you wanted to say. You quickly showed your notebook to the mayor. "Hello, I'm [Y/N] Gaster. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I must communicate this way, I am mute. The skeleton with me is named Papyrus. He is my husband and one of many monsters who live inside the mountain. They want to live in peace with humanity, if you are willing to take them on." The mayor blinked a few times. "Th-the stories... the legend... it's all true..?" You and Papyrus both nodded. "we don't care about what happened, we just want a safe place to raise our families.." Papyrus grabbed you hand and you intertwined your fingers with his phalanges.

That's how you, Papyrus, and the mayor came to be going up the mountain to meet the Queen and talk about the monsters coming to the surface, equal rights, talking to the governor, etc. As you left, the humans continued to watch, more curious than frightened now. Probably because the mayor was with. Once you got the the castle, introductions were made. "queen toriel, mayor kirman. mayor kirman, queen toriel."
"We have much to talk about, your majesty." The two leader walked off to discuss. "Shall we go back home? Or... perhaps we can stop at that ice cream shop?" You suggested.


Ice cream shop?

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