Loose Ends

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The consistent beep of the monitors were much better than the constant ring of a flatline. You knew that better than anyone. [C/N] had certainly had better days, all sorts of needles poked into her skin and soul, feeding magic and determination and fluids into her little body. It was a terrifying sight for a mother, but you knew she was going to be ok. It could have been worse. Your mate hugged you when you got there, nuzzling you and kissing you before turning back around to see your daughter. Only she mattered right now. You heard Sans whimper softly as you took her little hand and rubbed your thumb against the back of it softly. She was unconscious for now, simply exhausted from everything she's been through. "She's So Still... I Hope She Gets Better Soon!" Sans, ever the optimist. You turned to smile at him. "Of course she will. She's strong... just like everyone else here." You reassured Sans. Gaster was quick to agree. "Yes, once those IV's are empty and she's awake, it'll all be alright." Papyrus hummed softly. "or as alright as it can get, anyway."

She was awake within a few hours, smiling and happy to see her family. She tried to give hugs, but her strength wasn't quite restored yet. Nobody really minded. What did worry them, however, was how [C/N] spoke of her new friends that had been with the bad man as well. Papyrus found himself hoping that he'd saved them all in that one raid... no parent should go through what you and he had. Papyrus pulled you to the side as the stories continued. "she's gonna need therapy, after all this... she's young now, but the older she gets, the more she's gonna realize just how bad she's been through was and it'll have an effect..." You looked back at your little girl. "Do you think she will still be able to remember by then? Maybe it'll fade..?" At least, that was your hope. You didn't ever want her to remember her time with that idiot of a man. "we can't be sure... but i would rather be safe than sorry, [Y/N]... please..." You mumbled a little, weighing the pros and cons before giving a nod. He was right. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Eventually, visiting hours came to an end, and you all started to let your friends know of the new development with [C/N]. Everyone was happy to hear that she was ok. You were happy to hear that Kane was in jail and was expected to be put in prison for his crimes. On top of that, monsters were finally passed as full citizens of the city and protection laws were being enforced so monsters and humans had the same rights. After Papyrus' stunt of saving all those kids, ballots regarding them tipped into the pro monster's favor. Rumor had it that the news had spread to the president. Everything was finally starting to look up now that your baby was back. There didn't seem to be too many loose ends to tie up regarding this whole damn situation. You just had to be there for Kane's hearing and testify against him for what he'd done to you and your daughter. It wouldn't be too hard for you as ambassador of the monsters alongside Chara. This reminded you of an important rally regarding the pro monster campaigns. It was more like a welcome to the surface party, and you were excited to go if you could.

2 chapters left




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