In the Darkness

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The room was dark, but [C/N] could see anyway. She could see, hear, and feel other children around her, human and monster alike. The man had seemed nice and in need of help. He had looked hurt. It was a trick though and now she was stuck here, scared. She cried, she called for her mommy and daddy, she screamed and howled as loud as she could, but it only earned her pain. He voice was raw by now, her throat hurt. Her eyes stung and her body ached. She heard another child start screaming, having earned a punishment. Men and women would come down and look at them. A few had examined her already. She hoped her mommy and daddy would find her before someone took her away. That's what she was most terrified of. There was no doubt in her mind they were looking, no matter how much the bad people said otherwise. She just wished it wouldn't take so long. She would buy them as much time as she could.

[C/N] peeled apart her meal as she ate, a bit of a strange quirk she had. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. She wasn't going to complain any, she was hungry. She wasn't allowed to eat as much as she used to as often as she used to. She didn't sleep as much either. The lights would flick on at all hours of the night for more to see them and take away. It was always happening. She still had no buyers yet which she though was a great thing. It kept here there for her parents to find. She was still convinced they would come. Her daddy would track her scent just like he did that one time that she got lost in the always snowing forest. She missed her home there, she wanted to go back to where bad stuff couldn't happen. Bad stuff never happened there... she wanted to go back there. She wanted to live with grandpa and Uncle Sans, and mommy and daddy... she smiled a little at the happy memory. Until she was grabbed by her arm and jerked up into a stand. She stumbled along as she was dragged from the dark place and up a set of stairs.

A man circled her like a predator and yanked her tail. She covered her mouth to muffle her pained yelp and tears pricked her eyes. "So she really is half monster." The man said. "Yes sir, the only one so far who's mixed." The man hummed. "What sort of work can she do?"
"Despite her size, she can do anything you tell her to. For her though, I suggest something to convince her, like a shock collar. She's stubborn." [C/N] didn't understand what most of that meant, but it didn't sound good. "And what about gang work? Do you think she could protect my merchandise?"
"She's half monster. One bite and anyone who tries to take it dies." The man looked at the other. "Explain."
"A little something about monsters, they produce a lethal venom."
"Say no more, I want her." That's how she came to be with the man. "What do I call you?" The man asked. "[C-C/N]..." She stammered fearfully. "You are going to be doing a world of good for me, [C/N]. You understand that?" She didn't but nodded anyway. "I'm Kane, by the way. Kane Carron. Your master."

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